Insight into Freedom | I.I.F.
49 Followers🇩🇪 Germany is a great country with a great constitution and a great system: a democracy and a republic with a free democratic basic order. The most valuable thing Germany has is its culture: music, literature and art. Unfortunately, the state institutions have been delegitimized or destroyed for some time by prostitutes and hemorrhoids of the digital-financial complex, which consists of narcissistic, psychopathic Klausis, Georgies, Billies, Larries and their artificial intelligence. These perverted bubies are criminals against humanity. Karma always works. Just a satire channel: Better useless satire than useless politicians and pantsuits. If you don't like it you don't have to watch it. Cuckoo Clock Media is the associated private, non-commercial label.
Weigand Machine and Design
49 FollowersJack Weigands channel dedicated to installing Weigand Machine and Design Acessories
Mr. Teutle the Singing Teutle
49 FollowersResisting Teutalitarianism
Moandain Designs
49 FollowersWelcome to Moandain Designs! This channel is my contribution to the gaming community. I have several episode archetypes in store for this channel and plan to pace myself with 2 episodes Per month. The 1st and the 15th of every month around 8am Central. The episodes will fall into one of the following categories: Game reviews System collecting guides System and game care / maintenance Q&A with followers Pickups Room setup and tour (limited to once a year) My favorite "X" Tips and Tricks / Restoring games Gadget reviews Contests (only if I get freebies from sponsors) Interviews You can find me @moandain on Twitter
The Defiant - DeFi, Web3 & NFT Insights
48 FollowersThe Defiant curates, digests, and analyzes all the major developments in decentralized finance, so that you can stay informed and smart about the most cutting-edge and fastest-changing corner of crypto and finance. We’re delivering journalism with authority; objective, data-backed, primary-source, reported pieces, written by insiders who can also provide informed analysis on the latest moves.
Eliseo Bonanno 2018 - VOCE dell'Unico DIO: il SIGNORE CRISTO GESU'.
48 FollowersRaccolta video pubblicati nell'anno 2018 dal Vero Uomo con il cuore connesso a DIO PADRE: Eliseo Bonanno.
48 FollowersCatholic Saints
47 FollowersCatholic Saints
Joseph F Dumond
47 FollowersProphecy is revealed by the Jubilee Cycles
47 FollowersCuộc Soi Sáng Lương Tâm
45 FollowersKênh để Truyền Tải các Thông Điệp Cảnh Báo Nhân Loại về các Sự Kiện của Thời Gian Kết Thúc
45 FollowersNovel Insights
45 FollowersCoetus Saint Jean-Marie Vianney
45 FollowersSites miroirs : Documentaire AdEXT professionnel de janvier 2022 en 14 épisodes (répartis sur 2 saisons en 5 heures au format Full HD), réalisé par des chercheurs indépendants sur la base des travaux publics du site de : Rore Sanctifica ( Saison n°1 – La destruction de l’épiscopat catholique valide (6 épisodes pour 2 heures) L'Eglise de Rome n'a plus d'évêques, ni de prêtres valides, 50 ans après Vatican II, suite au rejet du rite catholique de consécration épiscopale en 1968. Paul VI-Montini, a menti, en prétendant infailliblement, fonder le nouveau rite de consécration épiscopale sur un texte en usage. Ce texte n’a pas d’existence historique démontrée. Le documentaire produit l’enregistrement de l’interview inédit et exceptionnel du Dr Jean Magne (1910-2009), qui, en 1975, réfuta la thèse de Dom Botte, caution pseudo-scientifique du nouveau rite. Il met en scène tout le contexte de la subversion de l’Eglise depuis 1917 dans ce domaine, dans son contexte religieux et politique, influencé par la City of London. Le général des Jésuites Ledochowsky et les Jésuites y ont joué un rôle clé, quoique dissimulé derrière des acteurs ultérieurs plus connus (le Lazariste « Mgr » Bugnini, le Bénédictin Dom Botte, le Père spiritain Lécuyer). Il met en image la démonstration magistrale du Dr Jean Magne et expose le ralliement des universitaires contemporains à ses travaux. Saison n°2 – La tentative depuis 17 ans (2005) de continuer à préserver la prétendue « validité sacramentelle » de la nouvelle consécration épiscopale imposée le 18 juin 1968 par Montini-PaulVI à l’Eglise Catholique de rite romain en avançant le faux argumentaire des conjurés du Consilium liturgique de Vatican II, obstinément assumé depuis 2005 par la Revue le Sel de la Terre des Dominicains d’Avrillé (8 épisodes pour 3 heures) La justification erronée du nouveau rite par les dominicains d’Avrillé fait l’objet des 7 premiers épisodes de la Saison 2. Le documentaire illustre visuellement tous les failles et erreurs de leur prétendue « démonstration » de 2005 (Sel de la terre n°54). Il montre la totale reprise des arguments fallacieux de la commission réformatrice de 1967 du Consilium liturgique de Vatican II et l’opposition claire sur le sujet au Magistère de l’Eglise énoncé avec les marques de l’infaillibilité pontificale par le Pape Pie XII dans la consécration épiscopale (1947) et dans le code de Droit canon oriental (1957). Après avoir réfuté une à une les fausses affirmations de cet article, il présente les conséquences dramatiques pour l’Eglise de l’adoption en 1968 de ce rite invalide. L’important épisode 8 (1 heure) de la Saison 2 montre comment cet argumentaire erroné conduit aujourd’hui la Fraternité Sacerdotale Saint-Pie X (FSSPX) à intégrer dans ses rangs un pseudo-évêque invalide, « Mgr » Vitus Huonder, en présentant aux fidèles dans ses cérémonies publiques ce simple laïc comme un véritable évêque catholique validement sacré, mettant ainsi en péril prochain les sacrements valides distribués aux fidèles et la transmission valide du Sacerdoce sacrificiel catholique dans l’institution fondée par Mgr Lefebvre à cet effet. La figure de l’étrange Richard Nelson Williamson y est également évoquée dans cet épisode ; le leurre qu’il représente pour l’abbé Carlo Maria Vigano y est mis en lumière. Après avoir mentionné la fausse « Christologie de l’esprit » (Spiritus principalis) qui sous-tend le nouveau rite, le documentaire rend hommage aux principaux combattants qui s’opposèrent à ce nouveau rite non-catholique. Enfin, retraçant la chronologie comparée des apparitions mariales depuis 1830, les déclarations formelles du Magistère infaillible des Papes et les actions inspirées du démon pour conduire à l’éradication du Sacerdoce sacrificiel catholique, le documentaire expose comment l’Eglise catholique est éclipsée à travers l’extinction désormais progressive et biologique des lignées épiscopales de rite latin depuis 1969. Pourtant le pape Léon XIII avait bien solennellement averti la Sainte Eglise, confirmant la substance du secret de La Salette révélé par la Très Sainte Vierge Marie à la voyante Mélanie Calvat en 1846, puis par celle-ci aux fidèles en 1879, en rédigeant personnellement et en promulguant en 1890 sa supplique à Saint Michel Archange, en préambule au grand Exorcisme, puis en le faisant éditer en 1898 puis encore en 1903 juste avant sa mort : « Ubi sedes beatissimi Petri et Cathedra veritatis ad lucem gentium constituta est, ibi thronum posuerunt abominationis impietatis suae ; ut percusso Pastore, et gregem disperdere valeant. » (« Là où fut institué le siège du bienheureux Pierre, et la chaire de la Vérité, là ils ont posé le trône de leur abomination dans l’impiété ; en sorte que le pasteur étant frappé, le troupeau puisse être dispersé »). La Rome maîtresse de vérité a parlé, la cause est entendue.
Eliseo Bonanno 2019 - VOCE dell'Unico DIO: il SIGNORE CRISTO GESU'.
44 FollowersRaccolta video pubblicati nell'anno 2019 dal Vero Uomo con il cuore connesso a DIO PADRE: Eliseo Bonanno.
44 FollowersLutheran Hymn Sing and Chant
43 FollowersPianist, Organist, Composer, Hymnwriter, Hymn Lover. LCMS Lutheran.
Watchman's Signal
42 FollowersWATCHMAN'S SIGNAL Sounding the alarm in perilous times We find several references in Scripture to a watcher mounting the city walls in times of stress to survey the scene outside the fortifications. He was situated on a spot from which he could monitor the approaches to the town. If a threat appeared, he would sound a warning and the town would shut its gate. Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand. Timothy 3:1 “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” We at Watchman’s Signal love God and His word. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He is the only way unto salvation and redemption from our sin condition though his shed blood and finished work upon the cross. He is become our appropriation for sin and the only hope of mankind, who is doomed without Him. Our mission at Watchman’s Signal is to win souls to Christ and to combat, by refutation, false teachings of science, philosophy, and religion across the globe. Please help us in our mission by sharing Watchman’s Signal with your friends, loved ones, and the lost soul who is looking for honest answers. May God abundantly bless you and bring you to the Truth, which is the knowledge and acceptance of Jesus Christ, Lord and Saviour
42 FollowersEliseo Bonanno 2022 - VOCE dell'Unico DIO: il SIGNORE CRISTO GESU'.
42 FollowersRaccolta video pubblicati nell'anno 2022 dal Vero Uomo con il cuore connesso a DIO PADRE: Eliseo Bonanno.
42 FollowersLatestSightings
42 FollowerssIXXIsDesigns
41 FollowersSaint Andrew's OCC
41 FollowersThe Virtue Signal
40 FollowersYour Daily Beacon of Goodness and Light
40 FollowersUnlimited Art Designs
40 FollowersHello everyone. Welcome to my drawing channel Unlimited Art Designs. My channel creates a wide variety of pencil drawings, shading, and sketches for people who like to watch drawing videos, who are in search of simple drawing ideas, or those who want to improve their drawing skills. New videos are uploaded to my channel 2-3 times every week. Please subscribe to my channel for cute and fun to watch drawing videos of people, places, animals, and things. Thanks for watching, liking and subscribing.
Melanie Halpert | Holistic Health & Human Design
40 FollowersAs a recognized leader on the cutting edge of personal transformation with more than two decades in the field of holistic health, Melanie’s ability to see down into the core of things, to hone in on crucial details and to understand how they connect, allows her to do what she does best: to target and repattern that which unknowingly sabotages one’s ultimate well-being and greatest potential. Driven to empower others wherever they may be stuck, stagnant, victimized or lost in the shuffle of a chaotic world, she provides the possibility for a better way with practical, curated tools for individualized success.
Common Sense and Conservative Insights
40 FollowersSometimes, it takes an outsider to see the elephant in the room. After watching Mainstream Lamestream Media intentionally mislead with even Conservative pundits missing the mark, I knew it was time to offer some real American perspective from RussIsRight Media LLC
39 FollowersAllVisuals4U | 3D Printing & Design Shorts
38 FollowersGet inspired, learn and enjoy 3D printing and design for free! I'm an engineer and 3D print enthusiast from the Netherlands and i like to showcase my knowledge to the world! 🌐 My website: 📦 My 3D printing channel: 🔩 My design and engineering channel: ⏱ My speed modeling channel: 🔻 SUPPORT ME 🎁 Patreon page: (Get commercial access to my catalog of 3D files) ☕ Buy me a coffee: 🔽 3D models: 🤝 Affiliate links: 🔻 3D MODELS 🔽 Cults3D (Download STLs): 🔽 Justway (Physical Models): 🔽 Creality Cloud (Download STLs): 🔽 CGTrader (Download STLs): 🔽 GrabCAD: 🔽 🔽 MyMiniFactory: 🔽 Thangs: 🔻 EXTRAS 🎧 My Spotify playlists: 💬 Text to speech used: (Guy;Neural) 🔻 SOCIAL MEDIA 🎞 YouTube: 🎞 Odysee: 🎞 Rumble: 📣 Discord: ⚡ YouTube Shorts: ⚡ Odysee shorts: ⚡ Rumble shorts: ⚡ TikTok: 👉 X: 👉 Threads: 👉 Facebook: 👉 Pinterest: 👉 Instagram: 🔻 FONTS USED ✏ Manrope by Michael Sharanda ✏ Pakenham by Ray Larabie ✏ Days One by Jovanny Lemonad ✏ EXEPixelPerfect by Gazbriel ✏ League Spartan Font by The League of Moveable Type ✏ Poppins by Google Fonts ✏ Open Sans by Steve Matteson
38 FollowersNatural Eyesight Improvement - Dr. Bates' Method
37 FollowersI preserve Ophthalmologist William H. Bates M. D. books, magazine, medical articles in paper, e-book and videos. FREE Natural Eyesight Improvement Training. Dr. Bates history; See our websites and Dr. Bates, Clark Night's (my pen name) Amazon page; 165 videos on our YouTube channel; Many old editions are free in PDF and have audio training in the chapters; New Editions are only in paperback, hardcover and Kindle. See our Copyright, Disclaimer, Directions and a list of Unnatural methods, bad teachers to avoid;
37 FollowersWarrior Saints
37 FollowersThe Way of the Warrior Saint: How to live a Crucifixional Life
36 FollowersJames Dean Designs
36 FollowersCover all things CNC and laser related. From tutorials through to reviews, also top tricks and tips.
The importance of personal motivation
36 Followers🌟 Welcome to our channel dedicated to PERSONAL MOTIVATION and the power of INSPIRATION for personal and professional GROWTH. 🚀 Here, we delve into the world of personal motivation and how it becomes the driving force in our lives, propelling us towards success and fulfillment. Discover 🌟 Moreover, we'll discuss the intrinsic link between MOTIVATION and PRODUCTIVITY, and how a healthy level of motivation can significantly boost our workplace performance, leading to extraordinary achievements. Join us on this journey to unlock your potential, achieve your goals, and drive your personal and professional growth. Be motivated, get inspired, and reach for success! 💪🌟 Subscribe now to not miss a dose of MOTIVATION and INSPIRATION that will help you achieve what you've always desired. Welcome to a life that's inspired, motivated, and fulfilled! 🚀💪🌟find out more at the link:
The Signs of Times
36 FollowersThe Bible, the Holy Scriptures, have prophesied many signs that must happen prior to Jesus Christ's second coming. The world situation today are indicating that His return is near. "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only." (Matt. 24:36) "But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief." (1 Thess. 5:4) "And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed." (Rom. 13:11).