Extraterrestrial and Ufo Research Organisation, International


Extraterrestrial and Ufo Research Organisation,International is an Indian-based non-profit organization composed of civilian volunteers who study reported UFO sightings. It is one of the youngest organizations of its kind, claiming more than 500 members worldwide. The organization has been criticized for its focus on pseudoscience, and say its investigators use the scientific method for research. Extraterrestrial and Ufo Research Organisation also known as EURO, INT is an ufo Research Organization which is progressively gaining success in the field of ufology.It was started by a group of Teenagers in India who are still working in the organisation as support staff. Euro, International works in association with Minds Story Studio Pvt. Ltd which is a local EBook publisher. It has been 9months since the Organisation has started and it has got a good response ufo lovers as it has got an active participation of 500+ Members. It also publishes a book named Extraterrestrial and Ufo Research Organisation, International booklet and has a web series named Space Hints.

Pro Wrestling Central Illinois


PWCI (Pro Wrestling Central Illinois) covers the central Illinois region interviewing the movers and shakes of the local wrestling scene and showcases area wrestling action. The program began in July 2007 as the Nose Bleed Seats TV, with host Chris Lee interviewing the Phoenix Twins on location in Champaign, IL. When his time became limited, the Mad Conservative and occasionally MOAV5706 took over hosting duties. In August 2015, the program was renamed PWCI so it could continue on independently after the disbanding of the NBS. PWCI airs weekly on public access TV in Springfield (Access 4) & Champaign (UPTV6).

Azure Standard ~ Healthy Food, Direct to You Verified


Use RUMBLE15 for 15% off your first Azure order (first time purchase only, $100 minimum order, 1x use) .Azure Standard is a family-owned and independent company dedicated to providing you with high quality, affordable organic, natural and non-GMO groceries, health, household and garden products that meet your needs. We specialize in delivering quality bulk and natural foods. We're committed to bringing you thousands of carefully selected products chosen to bring you abundant health, in orders big or small. Membership is free.

Kies Dries


Al veel te lang wordt het audiovisuele medialandschap gedomineerd door een verstikkend links narratief. Televisie- en productiemaatschappijen brengen de diversiteit die leeft in onze maatschappij niet in beeld, integendeel. Daar zal vanaf nu verandering in komen via dit nieuwe, rechtse mediakanaal. Elke week brengen we een jonge, frisse en rechtse analyse op wat er in Vlaanderen en in de wereld gebeurt. Vrij en ongebonden. Kies Dries zal elke week te zien zijn op Rumble, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, Bitchute en Gab.