The Maskless Ninja


Due to ignorance, propaganda and unconstitutional mandates, the fear-based misinformed socialists take matters into their own weak hands and try to bar free humans from having their liberty. Watch me school the sheeple that are ignorantly enforcing illegal mandates and tyrannical policies in an effort to go along with the hoax pandemic that the international corporations and institutions are taking advantage of to strip individual liberties. This is their sophisticated game plan to roll out a dictatorial corporate world government that overrides our Constitutional Republic and fools most people thoroughly into turning against their fellow human and doing the bidding of diabolical handlers.



Welcome to my corner of the internet!!! I am Papa Shaun. This channel is a collection of videos to help teach, encourage, and direct Biblically, Christians struggling in this sometimes difficult journey called life. Beginning of 2022, I was feeling led to start doing videos. But I allowed doubts and perfectionism to get in the way with ”it didn’t look right, I didn’t sound right, it wasn’t perfect”, so I never ended up doing any. The time for distraction, self-doubt, and the desire for perfectionism, needs to come to an end. I simply want to honor GOD, and do what I’m led to do through His power and strength. If I am able to help one person grow closer to JESUS then all of this will be worth it. Please join me on this journey.

Anjuman Sarfroshan e Islam 1975 'R' Pakistan


It's Official channel of Aalmi Roohani Tehreeq Anjuman Sarfroshan-e-islam 1975 (R) Pakistan The "World Spiritual Movement Anjuman Sarfroshan e Islam Pakistan" Reg. 1975 (ASI) is a purely spiritual organization. "Anjuman Sarfroshan e Islam Pakistan" (ASI) was founded on July 13, 1982 in Hyderabad by the great spiritual personality Hazrat Syedna Riaz Ahmad Gohar Shahi Mad Zahul-ul-Alali. The aim of "Anjuman Sarfroshan e Islam Pakistan" is to create Love of ALLAH & Rasool s.a.w.w among the youth through Zikr e Allah, Prayer, Shariat & Tariqat. "ASI" are working to eliminate all the evils and sectarianism of the society, in the light of Quran, Hadith and Spiritual Teachings. "ASI" are also focusing to Spread / Promote the Teachings & Techniques of all the Great / Honorable Spitual Personalities of the Islam. Head Office: Almarkaz Roohani, Allah Hoo Pahari, Khuda ki Basti 1, Kotri, (Hyderabad) District Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan. Tell : 0092-223410583

*Do not email me asking for money, I give away money because it makes me happy :)


SUBSCRIBE FOR A COOKIE! Accomplishments: - Raised $20,000,000 To Plant 20,000,000 Trees - Removed 30,000,000 pounds of trash from the ocean - Built wells in Africa - helped 1,000 blind people see - helped 1,000 deaf people hear - Given millions to charity - Started my own snack company Feastables - Donated over 100 cars lol - Gave away a private island (twice) - Gave away 1 million dollars in one video - Counted to 100k - Read the Dictionary - Read Bee Movie Script - Read Longest English Word - Watched Paint Dry - Ubering Across America - Watched It's Every Day Bro For 10 Hours - Ran a marathon in the world's largest shoes - Adopted every dog in a shelter - Bought $1,000,000 in lottery tickets - Sold houses for $1 - I got buried alive - Recreated Squid Game in real life - Gave away a chocolate factory - Gave away private jet - Survived 50 hours in Antarctica You get the point haha

Viral Pakistani


"Viral Pakistani" is an engaging Rumble channel that captivates audiences with its trending content and captivating storytelling. With a focus on Pakistan's diverse culture, current affairs, entertainment, and social issues, this channel has gained immense popularity and is known for delivering content that resonates with viewers of all ages. In addition to entertainment, Viral Pakistani addresses important social issues, initiating thought-provoking discussions and raising awareness. The channel covers topics such as education, gender equality, poverty alleviation, environmental conservation, and more, encouraging viewers to engage in meaningful conversations and take action for positive change. The channel's success lies in its ability to provide a perfect blend of entertainment, education, and inspiration, making it a must-watch for anyone interested in the diverse aspects of Pakistani culture and society