Franklin County MO. Church Of Christ


We remain strongly committed to the Restoration Plea to "Speak where the Bible speaks and remain silent where the Bible is silent." Such is a plea to abandon the man-made churches, names, creeds and teachings that are unauthorized by the New Testament. It is a plea for unity in Christ and His one true church. We are dedicated to the church's threefold work of evangelism, edification, and benevolence (Matthew 28: 18-20; Galatians 6: 1 0; James 1 :27). We are committed to the gospel plan of salvation for a lost and dying world, including faith in Christ as Lord and Savior, repentance of all sins, the good confession, immersion in water (baptism) for the remission of sins, and faithfulness to Christ (Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38; Romans 10:10; Revelations 2:10). We invite YOU to join us in this greatest of all works. In all things, may God receive the glory!



Description Vivímos en un mundo cambiante... Lo que antes funcionaba ya no funciona. íHay que empezar a pensar diferente! Bievenidos a tu canal de Tecnología Financiera, yo seré tu mentor y amigo FrankgdProducer. En este canal encontrarás variedad sobre Noticias, Fuentes de Ingresos, Creador de Contenido y de como la tecnología te puede llevar a lograr tener un mejor estilo de vida y alcanzar todas tus metas financiera. La tecnología ha creado oportunidades que antes no existían. Lo que antes tardaba 10 a 20 años en lograr, gracias a la tecnología podemos lograrlo en 1,2 y 3 años. íAsi que si quieres saber como mucho lo están logrando, suscríbansen y sean parte de este canal para que tu también lo puedas lograr! Muchas gracias por su apoyo, Frank Gomez - FRANGDPRODUCER

Funny vedios| Kids Pranks| Ghost Pranks| Viral vedios


"MKviral" is a channel introduce and keep great moments around your life. It\\\'s your funny moments and your pet ... It\\\'s so fun. Our goal is to bring laughter and want you to see life is great. We will make your life more fun with videos funny best fails, ghost funny vedios, funny kids, moment funny people and animals daily. 🔥 We have short entertaining videos, great moments in life, hope you will have relaxing moments! 🔥Please like, share for more!

Funny, pranks, jokes,


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Valorant Live || RankPush in Singapore Server || TheDraczShow


Hey Wassup Guys 😄 Welcome to TheDraczShow You can watch the live streams to have fun and lots of laughter. Today, we're going to try hard as usual. OG Rank: Gold 1(VALORANT) Daily Stream Timings: 10 pm to thoda late and 3 pm Thankyou for supporting me and I hope you'll help me reach some milestones. I'll Meet You in the next Stream. Till Then Good Bye !!!! #valorant #valorantlive #valorantclips #valorantindia #valorantmontage #valorantforyou #dailylive #gold1