Olá sou Junior Almeida do Canal Ponto de Ignição, O Canal Ponto de Ignição trás para você, noticias sobre politica, tudo sobre o senado brasileiro, tudo sobre o parlamento brasileiro, cpi, cpmi, tudo sobre o congresso, política ao vivo, curiosidades, entretenimento, noticias dos famosos, notícias do Brasil e do mundo a muito mais. CANAL PONTO DE IGNIÇÃO:ção TWITTER EMAIL CANAL:



Subo gameplays de los juegos que me gustan, hago vídeos para pasármela bien, espero les gusten mis partidas multijugador, mis guías de todo tipo de juegos, vídeos random, vlogs ocasionales y escuchar lo que pienso y siento de distintas cosas, me la paso muy bien haciendo esto y que mejor manera de compartir todo lo que me apasiona con ustedes. Hago tutoriales de obras creativas y dinámicas, Let's Play, Speedruns, reviews, etc. utilizando el contenido de juegos, de acuerdo con los términos establecidos de las desarrolladoras de videojuegos. Me llamo Juan Daniel Capuano Hernández, vivo en México, nací un 6 de octubre de 1999, soy vegano, estudiante de universidad, gamer, me gusta el deporte (principalmente la gimnasia), la tecnología, el bienestar de los animales (Tengo algunas palomas que amo y cuido mucho) y apoyo la libertad de expresión.

Garden Faerie Botanicals


Follow a budding seed company as we break ground and start to grow! Garden Faerie Botanicals is a dream that had been put on hold for over a decade. It is a continuation of my last seed company called Goddess Grown Heirlooms. After the farm sold in Ontario, it was a struggle to find suitable land. Since 2022, I have been breaking ground for 2 separate gardens and learning how to live off grid. Join me on my adventures in the garden as I save rare and endangered seeds.

Xander Budnick ✅


Travel, Ontario, Canada, Funny, Humour, Adventure, Outdoors, Winter Camping, ASMR films The video will be broadcast every Saturday at 5:00 p.m. US time Born in a small town in Ontario, Canada. Currently living in Toronto. I'm into outdoor adventures of all sorts - Camping, Whitewater Canoeing, Climbing, Trail Running, Bushcraft I like to make entertaining, informative, and concise Adventure videos with dribbles of humor. I don't pretend to know it all, I'm learning a ton as I go, but I have little fear of failure so come join me on this journey of outdoor fun and discovery :)

Technical Analysis & Swing trading Education By Just.IN


Thank you so much for supporting my channel, you have no idea how much it means to me. I started this channel because I, like many of you was never taught about investing, the stock market, money management, etc., and was left to figure it out on my own. My goal is to specifically focus on beginning investors and help as many people as I can develop the knowledge and strategies necessary to become successful. The journey to financial freedom is long and daunting. But with your help, we can all get there together. I am dedicated to making sure all of my research is accurate and easy to understand so that anyone can learn and feel welcome to join my family. So if you would like to support an independent creator that\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s driven to make the world a better place then I am your guy. It would truly mean that absolute world to me if you helped me grow my channel. Thank you for taking your time to check me out. Love Just.IN aka Justin Averett