Justice in America with daphne m matthews


A look at the United States and world through the eyes of a constitutional historian, artist, creator, and author; but more importantly through the eyes of a citizen, wife, mother, and grandmother. This channel will present the ideas being thrown out and try to explain what is actually being done, what they are really saying, and how it will affect you no matter what side of the political fence you are on. Traditionally, Daphne M. Matthews has been bipartisan but the lies on the left have driven her to a fight to the finish line to save America and the only way to do that is to educate the American voter. Daphne homeschooled her sons, has taught English, writing, and history at private home-school co-ops, and was a member on the board of directors at a homeschool co-op. She was a Cub Scout Leader and then a Boy Scout Leader for a total of 10 years having co-directed camps, co-chaired committees, helped with food drives, and maintained records. She has published history books with a major publisher; poetry, fiction, teen, children's, textual, and other print and ebooks throughout the years. She is currently researching for a book on the dangers of mixing medicine and politics. She believes the Constitution is steadfast and what people are doing today to get around the rules is dangerous. She's here to help you understand why.