Mark's Music Collection


I grew up a music fan in the 1960\\\'s and 1970\\\'s and amassed a large music collection. I\\\'m regularly being asked to recommend music from that era so I decided to set up a YouTube channel and put those recommendations online. For now, I\\\'m concentrating on uploading albums which have been deleted and aren\\\'t readily available elsewhere on YouTube. Hope you like them and that you find some music and musicians here that you like and wouldn\\\'t otherwise have known about. If you like the videos I post, please click the Like, Subscribe and "Bell" icons. Just FYI, I have added two new channels: Mark\\\'s Music Collection-Classical and Mark\\\'s Music Collection-Jazz

Marek Meram


O rzeczywistości, której nie ma w głównych mediach, ale którą przeczuwamy. Moją książkę „Rzeczywistość” można kupić na jej stronach internetowych: Tom I: Tom II: Oczywiście zachęcam do darowizn… Jak wiadomo, pieniądze są potrzebne. Możesz wyrazić swoje poparcie dla tego, co mówię i piszę, wpłacając darowiznę na konto: 19 1020 1097 0000 7402 0208 1461 Numer IBAN: PL19102010970000740202081461 Kod BIC (Swift): BPKOPLPW Adres centrali: PKO Bank Polski Spółka Akcyjna - Centrala, ul. Puławska 15, 02-515 Warszawa (Tytuł przelewu: DAROWIZNA) PayPal: (Tytuł przelewu: DAROWIZNA)

Mark Ekawamai Ministries


Biblical truth Ministries. Year 2015, i was woken up by Jesus Christ the MESSIAH. I was not a believer, after two weeks of strange events in my home i finally had to pray. "If this is you GOD, Lord, Jesus? Trying to wake me up...? Then you really have to prove to me that you are REAL!? After 2/3 seconds fire alarm went off few meters away from me... That started this supernatural journey. Jesus is VERY REAL and we can prove it in so many ways! Ask Jesus if He is real, and you will get your answer.