I do a little metal detecting and rock hounding and some of the “finds” are just ...


Welcome to the "​​JaiPhone " Official Channel. ​ We always restorative the broken phone and Find a phone that has been dumped to restore, Rebuild an old broken phone, restore the destroyed phone, product reviews, and much more technology. Videos are for Entertainment Purposes and shared with little knowledge of Restoration, such as How to restore, Upgrade iPhone (DIY iPhone) Etc.,. Please Note: JaiPhone assumes no liability for your phone damage due to any of the information contained in this video. Only attempt your repairs if you can accept personal responsibility for the results, good or bad.

Little Dogs Rapture-Watch Dogs


Welcome to the Little Dogs Rapture-Watch Dogs Rumble channel. This channel aims to keep you informed about the book of Revelation. Join Tag Barker and Scooch Pooch as your guides on this journey to understand what the world will be like when Jesus Christ returns. I am not a prophet, just someone eager to help you connect with Jesus before it's too late. If you're ready to commit your life to Jesus, please hit the Follow button below. Are you prepared for an adventure? Let’s get started!

Funny little beasts | Bestiole Buffe


Get ready to smile with the funniest and most adorable videos in the animal kingdom! 🐾 From curious cats to messy dogs, passing through wild animals in hilarious situations. Each video is a guaranteed dose of joy! Follow us so you don't miss the funniest and most tender moments. 🐶🐱🦜 Preparati a sorridere con i video più buffi e adorabili del regno animale! 🐾 Dai gatti curiosi ai cani pasticcioni, passando per animali selvatici in situazioni esilaranti. Ogni video è una dose di allegria garantita! Seguici per non perderti i momenti più divertenti e teneri. 🐶🐱🦜