Ascensão Planetária


Nosso canal traz conteúdos de espiritualidade, com auxílio de irmãos galácticos e mestres ascensos, auxiliando na elevação pessoal. O Projeto Ascensão Planetária tem uma equipe grande de pessoas que se dedicam em pró do despertar da consciência de nossos irmãos em Gaia! # Grupos de Meditação Coletiva – Ancoradores de energias positivas no planeta! (4 meditações por dia). # Grupo de Cura Planetária - Equipe de curadores energéticos, que diariamente enviam energias de cura para todo planeta. # Portal de Conteúdos – Nesse portal teremos: Textos de Canalizações; Receitas Veganas; Dicas de Saúde e bem-estar espiritual; Informações sobre o evento; E, conhecimentos para auxiliar no processo evolutivo! # Vivências - Dentro do Projeto temos várias práticas e vivências, que proporcionam aos participantes cura interior e expansão da consciência. Acesse nossos links!

Simply Awesome Planet


Welcome to Simply Awesome Planet, where curiosity meets discovery! Dive into a world of wonder with our short, captivating videos that explore the fascinating questions you've always pondered. From the mysteries of the cosmos to the secrets of the deep sea, we uncover the extraordinary in the ordinary, leaving you awestruck with each episode. Join us on a journey of endless fascination as we unravel the mysteries of our incredible planet, one captivating video at a time. Subscribe now and please "Repost" my videos so we can bring the wonders of The Animal Kingdom to more visitors. Thanks !



Sit back and enjoy a front seat to the world with us! See amazing destinations, hotels, and restaurants around the world as we take on this amazing journey with us! No plans, let’s travel! Make sure to SUBSCRIBE, you're not going to want to miss a thing! ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ For more information contact us at Follow us on all social media platforms, links below ⬇️ Links Instagram Facebook Twitter

Pepe's Fruit Trees


Growing and propagating tropical and subtropical fruit trees like Miracle Berry, Cacao, Soursop and Jaboticabas. Love to garden? Learn all about growing edible plants here with Pepe. Pepe's Plants and Fruit Trees is dedicated to helping you grow subtropical, tropical and some temperate fruits and vegetables. Our main purpose is to promote edible gardening and landscaping. ​ Learn more about us here: All the information on this site is relevant to the Southern United States and similar regions worldwide. Keep in mind that our focus is on fruit trees but we do cover vegetables, herbs and medicinal plants. The information is based on my personal experience growing in South Florida. Help keep this site growing and providing information by considering a visit to our ​Amazon affiliate link. NEED FRUIT TREES? Visit our online nursery here: