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This is no joke. It's October 10th, 2023. I found out about Cancer(s) June 5th, 2023. Omfg... talk about ruining a summer. I spent every waking minute in a state of disbelief and profound grief. I was a weak, pitiful, baby. At times, I still am. I have a lot to say... some sad, some funny, some inspirational, and of course some bitching. Bitching could be on any subject. Afterall, I live in Canada, I'm dying... and the world is falling apart... sky is the limit. I am looking for followers to interact with... Share stories with... bitch with... and at times... sit with me in my shitstorm(s). Don't bother trying to swindle me for money. I have absolutely none... June 4th, I had a great part-time job and was 2 months from opening my own business... A business I've been working on for 3 years straight. Opened quietly... made my own retail and pierced earlobes. To say this whole dying news, couldn't have happened at a worse time... It is a serious understatement. Lol. With videos on the way, on location, from the Ottawa General Hospital, starring Melrose76... Now is a suitable time to RING my DING. I'm dying, not dead. I am talking about subscribing. There will be so much to chat and bitch about. This will be the first and last podcast channel for Melrose76. I'm not even sure what I'm doing. A veiled attempt to immortalize myself?! I'm doing it anyways! Absolutely no bullying or ignorance allowed. Positive-ish vibes only.