Ryan Stewman


Ryan Stewman is a best selling author, CEO of 5 companies, founder of Phonesites.com, full time investor, and consultant to millionaires and celebrities across the globe. He's been featured in Forbes, Huffington Post, Entrepreneur, The Street.com, The Good Men Project, CNBC, and pretty much every other major business publication out there. Ryan gives the credit for his meteoric rise in business to his sales skills. He's never had a salaried job his entire life. He's worked in commissioned sales since he was 13 years old. He's sold well into 9 figures worth of products and services. "I believe that everyone can be great at sales, they just need the right thing to sell and the right people to talk to" - Ryan Stewman He's mastered the mindset it takes to win no matter what forces come against you. Ryan rewires minds and changes lives. Give him the chance, he will change yours too.

hackerfiscalia Richard Maok Riaño Botina


The narco-state murdered several prosecutors and CTI investigators who were investigating illegal armed groups in connection with the government. Richard Maok Riaño Botina @hackerFiscalia was the first detective of the CTI Technical Investigation Unit of the Attorney General's Office, who investigated and reported 255 public officials of the Prosecutor's Office, Police, Army, DAS, INPEC, Supreme Court of Justice, and Congress connected with 131 paramilitaries, in accordance with a legal order from a Prosecutor. For that reason, the corrupt government ordered the removal of the evidence and ordered the assassination of @hackerFiscalia. In August 2002, he was raided, dismissed, and followed, but he managed to go into exile in Canada in less than 48 hours, thanks to the help of the Canadian federal government, the NGO Minga, the International Organization for Migration and @petrogustavo From the exile, he has continued reporting about the narco power, paramilitaries and corruption.

Utter Truth with Hayden Appleby


Opinionated. Uncensored. Truth-Seeker. Right-Wing. Christian. Sick of the brainwashing and biased lamestream media? Sick of the woke Left? Sick of seeing the promotion of communism? Sick of being called a ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ for having genuine questions about your future? Welcome to ‘Utter Truth with Hayden Appleby’, the weekly show where Gen-Zer, Hayden Appleby, provides uncensored investigative journalism and shares his take on current political, social and cultural issues; all in the name of truth, awakening and the preservation of freedom. I say the part that the mainstream won't mutter a word about, because I care about the complete and Utter Truth. Will you join me? Subscribe to the channel for the podcast, for reactions, interviews, debates and more. With a new 60-minute episode premiering every Friday at 10pm BST on YouTube, Rumble & Spotify, you’ll want to be notified. End your week with the stories that matter!