Regaining Health And Humanity Podcast


Welcome to the stimulating Regaining Health and Humanity podcast. Embark on a thrilling journey towards unparalleled wellness as we arm you with evidence-based insights, relevant breakthroughs, and impactful health information. Together, we’ll explore the extraordinary realms of human connection and empathy, as we dive deep into the intriguing mysteries of what makes us tick. Brace yourself for courageous conversations that challenge the status quo and fearlessly unravel the secrets to living your best life. Tune in for highly impactful information as we boldly navigate the landscape of natural solutions, unlocking the keys to a life filled with boundless health and happiness. Get ready to unleash the extraordinary potential within you and enjoy a life with more health and happiness!



Criado para compartilhar diversos temas, desde educação Financeira, Consumo consciente, Mantras, frequências solfeggio, Ho'oponopono, sobre a Vida, saúde, alimentação saudável, espiritualidade, temas sensíveis sobre possível verdade sobre a historia da humanidade, manipulações dos governos, dicas e muitas teorias... Created to share various topics, Financial education, Conscious Consumption, Man, solfeggio frequencies, since'oponopono on Life, health, healthy eating, spirituality, topics, about possible about your history of humanity, manipulations of governments, tips and many theories. ..

Center For Faith and Work


Topic Covered: 1) Alternative Research: -Exploring Alternative Research: Discovering Overlooked Truths -Faith and Understanding: Insights from Alternative Perspectives 2) Cultural Trends and Eschatology: -Signs of the Times: Biblical Insights on Cultural Trends and Eschatology -The End is Near: Understanding Apocalyptic Perspectives through Scripture 3) Religions and Doctrines: -Faith and Doctrine: A Humble Exploration of Beliefs in Light of Scripture -Understanding Beliefs: Examining Religions and Doctrines through a Biblical Lens 4) Eschatology and Geopolitics: -Prophetic Insights: The Role of Eschatology in God's Plan for Humanity -The Final Countdown: Biblical Reflections on Geopolitical Implications of End-Time Beliefs 5) General Bible Study: -Exploring the Scriptures: Discovering Biblical Truths for Today -The Bible Uncovered: Key Themes and Teachings for Faithful Living. For English Content, please visit our sister channel:



Hi, and welcome! My name is Carol, I\'m a wife and homeschooling mommy of four. I\'m a health enthusiast with a passion for formulating non-toxic, all-natural products. I post weekly videos in which I share life as a homemaker with videos on product showcases (from our small business-Etsy shop:, homeschooling, cleaning, decluttering & organizing, cooking, and our modern homestead. I hope that you find inspiration and encouragement, plus some awesome products to help you simplify and detoxify your life. If this sounds good to you, please subscribe, like, and hit that notification bell! Thanks-



ATTENTATION - DON'T BA AN ANGER ADDICT - SCRATCH and SNIFF this CONTENT to help address your "SELF INFLICTED SYSTEMIC OPPRESSION AND INJUSTICE" that (if not treated) cause societal stigma and discrimination, leading to self-hatred, isolation, and self-doubt. 9 out of 10 experts agree that ingesting SCRATCH and SNIFF TELEVISION help control "the" many outbreaks of: Internalized racism, Internalized white guilt, Internalized white gout, Internalized constipation, Internalized stankphobia, Internalized CONTEMPT, Internalized scars, Internalized rot, Internalized HATE. Internalized swelling, Internalized MOLD, Internalized RUST, Internalized CONTEMPT, Internalized ANGER, Internalized INFECTION, Internalized JERKING, Internalized seepage, Internalized HEMMORAGE and SYSTEMATIC MENTAL CONTROL administered by snake finger injections. SMOKE / STARE / INJEST / SHARE / REPEAT