HairOgre 髪オーガ


🆂🆄🅱🆂🅲🆁🅸🅱🅴 ⚠️Viewer discretion is advised⚠️  In these videos I will highlight hunger, wasted food, picky eaters and other food related issues. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  Once upon a time you'll find a hair in your dish !! so please don't make a drama scene out of it !! and please try to show respect to the bless of food, then remove the hair and eat your food, or leave it. Or watch me teaching you how to eat it even with hair! - في مقاطع الفيديو هذه ، سأسلط الضوء على الجوع ، وهدر الطعام ، والآكل الذي يصعب إرضاؤه ، وأمور أخرى متعلقة بالطعام ذات مرة ستجد شعرة في طبقك !! لذا أرجوك لا تجعل منه مشهد درامي !! والرجاء محاولة إظهار الاحترام لنعمة الطعام ، ثم قم بإزالة الشعرة وتناول طعامك أو اتركه. أو شاهدني أعلمك كيف تأكله حتى مع الشعر! - これらのビデオでは、空腹、無駄な食べ物、好き嫌い、その他の食べ物に関連する問題に焦点を当てます. むかしむかし、あなたの皿に髪の毛が見つかるでしょう!! だからドラマのワンシーンにしないでください!! 食べ物の恵みに敬意を払い、髪を抜いて食べ物を食べるか、そのままにしてください。 または、髪の毛でも食べる方法を教えてください! - TikTok @hairogre Facebook hairogre Twitter @hairogre Instagram hairogre Pinterest HAiROGRE 🆂🆄🅱🆂🅲🆁🅸🅱🅴 @HairOgre #HairOgre

Broken Chair Band


Todd, Melinda and Danielle Carter are the Broken Chair Band and Cattle Ranch, and they ride for the brand every day. Original songs and poetry are branded 'Americowboyfolkgrass' with family friendly entertainment that delights audiences of all ages! Most of the song and poetry material is garnered from living the ranching lifestyle of hard work, stewardship of the land, and utmost care of their livestock. They raise Angus beef that is 'natural'; NO steroids, hormones, growth implants or antibiotics are used. Ranch work includes gathering the herd, sorting the livestock, branding and vaccinating, and relying on ranch horses to get the job done efficiently. The hard work is rewarding, and all three contribute to the song writing venture! Danielle is the youngest band member, and has been wowing audiences with her singing, song writing, joining Todd and Melinda onstage with her fiddling and mandolin playing! Stay tuned for more exciting 'Americowboyfolkgrass' adventures!