America's Grandma Kim Chadwell Verified


America's Grandma Kim Chadwell uses common sense, wisdom, and Biblical instruction to help with life's many challenges. (You can call her "Grandma.") You can find Kim on Instagram: X: TikTok: Telegram: Website: Kim's book: If you have a question for America's Grandma, message through the website.



Welcome to Jeff Markell's Rumble channel, a compassionate space where financial empowerment meets caring insights. As a seasoned Mortgage Consultant and Reverse Mortgage Specialist, Jeff is wholeheartedly devoted to unraveling the complexities of mortgages and guiding you with empathy on the path to homeownership and financial security. Be part of our supportive community, where you'll find mortgage advice, meaningful discussions, and the latest updates on real estate and mortgage trends. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer, a seasoned investor, or considering the benefits of a reverse mortgage, Jeff Markell is here to compassionately lead you toward decisions that empower and ensure a prosperous financial future. Subscribe now, and let's embark together on a journey towards your homeownership goals, with Jeff's caring expertise as your trusted companion! For more personalized assistance, call (714) 614-4040 or visit Serving Orange County, Los Angeles County, Riverside County, San Diego County, Imperial County, Kern County, Santa Barbara County, San Luis Obispo County, Santa Clara County, and Ventura County.



IL FILO DEL MAGISTRATO. PIATTAFORMA multimediale di PROVE DIRETTE AUDIO VIDEO E DOCUMENTI. La intera cordata deviata romana e i collegamenti esterni. Altro che le SALLUSTIADI !! “Quis quid ubi quibus auxiliis cur quomodo quando” —> "Chi fa, cosa, dove, quando, perché e come, con quali ausili" <— ""Ποιος κάνει με τι, πού, πότε, γιατί και πώς".

Doświadczenia z Pogranicza Śmierci


Niedawna bardzo przedwczesna śmierć mojej ukochanej żony Agnieszki sprawiła że próbując znaleźć choć skrawek sensu w życiu które mi jeszcze pozostało a także ukojenie w moim ogromnym bólu, zainteresowałem się doświadczeniami z pogranicza śmierci NDE - Near Death Experience, które jak się okazało bardzo mi pomagają w tym najtrudniejszym okresie mojego życia. Chcąc głosić chwałę Boga przy okazji robiąc coś pożytecznego postanowiłem wykorzystać swoją znajomość języka angielskiego czego efektem jest pierwszy przetłumaczony przez mnie podcast, który mam nadzieję spodoba się i będzie obejrzany przez wielu. Zamierzam tłumaczyć przede wszystkim nagrania w formie podcastów ze względu na to iż zawierają one najwięcej szczegółów i przekazują emocje w najbardziej szczery sposób gdyż nie są reżyserowane. Będę wybierał i tłumaczył najciekawsze moim zdaniem rozmowy z ludźmi którzy umarli a następnie powrócili do życia aby ich fascynujące historie mogły dotrzeć do jeszcze szerszej publiczności. Kopie tych nagrań na innych platformach: - Bitchute - YouTube

Giants Daily


Welcome to "Giants Daily", a Rumble channel created by fans, dedicated to the New York Giants team. This space was created to offer fans like you a meeting point where the latest news, in-depth analyses, and updates on your favorite NFL team, the New York Giants, are discussed with passion and precision. Let's make one thing clear: although we are huge fans, "Giants Daily" is not an official New York Giants channel. We are a community of dedicated aficionados, united by love for the team and the sport. Here, integrity and truth are fundamental, and we commit to providing only verified information, standing firmly against the spread of fake news. At "Giants Daily", we cover everything you need to know about the Giants, from breaking news to in-depth analysis. Whether you're interested in the prospects for the New York Giants draft 2024, wanting to keep up with the latest team strategies, or just looking for a place to share your passion with other fans, you've found your space. Take a look at our video series, which include post-game analyses, pre-game predictions, injury updates, and much more. We bring the latest New York Giants news directly to you, offering detailed insights into each game, player, and strategic move made by the team. But "Giants Daily" is more than just a news channel; it's a community. This is your space to connect with other Giants fans, share opinions, and celebrate every touchdown and victory of our beloved team. We encourage you to engage, leave comments, and participate in discussions. We want to hear your voice and share our common passion for the Giants. We understand that the world of sports is always changing, and that's why we are always at the forefront, ensuring that you stay informed about everything related to the NY Giants. From roster changes to tactical analyses, from transfer rumors to player success stories, "Giants Daily" is your number one source for all things Giants. Remember, "Giants Daily" is made by fans, for fans. Our mission is to provide a safe and informative space for Giants fans from all over the world to come together and share their passion for the team. We are committed to maintaining the highest level of integrity in our content, ensuring that you receive the most accurate and up-to-date information. So, if you love the New York Giants as much as we do, subscribe to "Giants Daily". Become part of our community and stay on top of all the latest news and updates about the Giants. No matter where you are, we bring the passion of the Giants to you. #NewYorkGiants #GiantsNews #NFLUpdates Be with us in every game, every victory, and every moment. "Giants Daily" is your channel for everything related to the Giants. Let's keep the flame of passion for the New York Giants burning together, sharing stories, celebrating successes, and of course, cheering for our team every step of the way.