Equipped for the Day


Welcome to my channel! The mission of this channel is to help disciples of Christ be equipped for the Day by knowing God's word and discern His word from the voice of the world. Please subscribe to get notified about new videos and share with those whom you think these videos may be helpful! My testimony of coming to Christ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XrijLFb1Kk —————— 🎧 My Bible study notes are distributed on my YouTube Channel and podcast "Doing Good Work", a smorgasbord of topics on Christian living, encouragement, motivation, leadership, health, Christian discipleship, bible study.

InterdependenceDay Every Day🌎☯️🤑💥🚀💖


X2 is a gift to us out of nowhere, the gift is big because it works brilliantly by smart contract, without human intervention. Could it be that; only now the codes of X2 and BTC functions as envisioned, and are really only complete together (since Nov. 13th. '23). Could it be Satoshi again... 🤔🙃🤣 Is the entirety of his vision suddenly coming into play...🤔🙃🤣 Or S.Mavrodi has thoughly inspired some one!!!🤔🙃🤣 Happy X2🌎☯️🤑💥🚀💖 Team is out SOC is in! (Self Organising Collective) We are 100% responsible, Hawaiian Ho'opono'pono, Thank You, I love You, I'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me, I Forgive Myself. We Were Fooled, In More Ways Than Only Few Of Us Really Knows, We Are On A Mission To Save Our Selves On An Incomprehensible Level In A Most Spectacular Way Because There Is A Plan Enough Of This BS Now We Must Learn And Catch Up And Act Responsibly According to Learned Information Order of actions considering different involvement levels. X2 or MMM member grows personal account as per rules of each of them. X2 is next level/latest donation technology therefore recommend even more than MMM, if someone should only choose to make one choice. This is level one participation. Level two participation is being responsible for bringing newcomers onboard at limitless or almost limitless scale, depending on which donation network. Level three participation. Serious selfmastery training, further training as per circumstances, Leaders Overview and Interaction. Participation level is an individual choice. Peace Begins With Me Together We Can Do A Lot🌎☯️🤑💥🚀💖 \ o / SOC - 'InterdependenceDay Every Day',,,,,🎊🎉🌞✨🎇🎆🎁

Every Day Yiddish Words


Within our daily English conversation, we include many words taken from other languages. From 1880 and on, the significant influx of Jewish immigrants from Germany and Eastern Europe added much to the American culture. It is all over American life, from Matzah Balls to Bagels and Hollywood to Broadway. But, perhaps nowhere can it be more found than in our everyday vernacular. Yiddish words are sprinkled throughout our American English; it can be found at the dinner table, on the screen, or at the office water cooler. Below are some Yiddish words that we use every day. Enjoy