📀Consciousness: 20 Scientists Explore the Toughest Question (2003) - Archive


https://odysee.com/@ConsciousnessDVD:b Disc 1 1- Dr. Stuart hameroff, M.D. 2- David Chalmers, Ph.D. 3- Nancy J. Woolf, Ph.D. 4- W. Britton, U.A. Tucson Disc 2 1- Dick Bierman, Ph.D. 2- Jack A. Tuszynski, Ph.D. 3- Dr. Andrew Newberg 4- Chester Wildey. M.Sc. Disc 3 1- Paavo Pylkkanen, Ph.D. 2- Dean Radin, Ph.D. 3- Tony Bell, Ph.D. 4- C. Seiter, U. Freiburg Disc 4 1- Dr. Steven Sevush 2- Dr. Petra Stoerig, Ph.D. 3- Stephen LaBerge, Ph.D. 4- Susan Blackmore 5- Professor Youngman Disc 5 1- V. Ramachandran, Ph.D. 2- Gregg Rosenberg, Ph.D. 3- Ellery Lanier, Ph.D. 4- Adele Engel Behar 5- Lee Frank, Poet

World Wide Facts Dive into a world of fascinating facts and mind-blowing trivia from every corner of the globe!


Welcome to Worldwide Wonders! Dive into a world of fascinating facts and mind-blowing trivia from every corner of the globe! From the wonders of nature and mind-bending historical events to cultural curiosities and groundbreaking discoveries, we bring you engaging, bite-sized knowledge that’ll leave you saying, "Wow, I never knew that!" Our mission? To ignite your curiosity and make learning fun for everyone. Whether you're a trivia buff, a student, or just someone who loves exploring the world, this channel has something for you. What You'll Find Here: - Intriguing historical events and milestones - Amazing natural phenomena - Little-known cultural facts from different countries - Fun, fast-paced quizzes to challenge your brain Hit subscribe and join us on this journey of exploration and discovery. Your next "Did you know?" moment is just a click away! 🌟 New videos every [insert schedule]!

Manuela Micucci - Studio di Naturopatia


Sono una Naturopata, laureata nel 2013 alla scuola di Alta Formazione in Naturopatia "Rudy Lanza" di Bologna e iscritta all\'AIN - Associazione Italiana Naturopati. \n\nMi occupo di prevenzione attiva e pedagogia dell\'auto-guarigione. \n\nLa salute non è soltanto assenza di malattia ma molto di più! \n\nSiamo un insieme unico ed irripetibile di CORPO-MENTE-SPIRITO, pertanto, una sofferenza che si manifesta in uno di questi sistemi, in realtà li coinvolge tutti. E sono convinta del fatto che a qualunque livello si decida di agire, sia esso il corpo, la mente o lo spirito, si andrà a lavorare nell\'insieme. \n\nIl mio compito è quello di educare l\'individuo verso uno stile di vita più corretto possibile. \n\nPer raggiungere questi obiettivi, mi avvalgo di diversi metodi, del tutto naturali: dal riequilibrio alimentare, all\'utilizzo sia di rimedi floreali (fiori di Bach e Australiani) sia di integratori nutrizionali e fitoterapici, della riflessologia plantare e di alcuni massaggi olistici.

Create Your Conscious Journey with Audrey Newmont


Fasten your seatbelt and get ready to live your best life now! This podcast is intended to create more alignment and clarity. Information equals power, and information about yourself is EMPOWERMENT. The knowledge and tools that Audrey presents in this weekly conversation are designed to change/transform limited thinking, unconscious habits, and fear-based beliefs. Audrey has been known to say, "Own Your Power", this time you will understand exactly what that means and know how to apply the tools to live your best life. Each week Audrey will be answering your questions, sharing new insights and information. Also, she will be bringing in other experts to broaden your thinking as well, like her husband/partner Nick, fellow practitioners, and other surprise guests who are guaranteed to expand your mental, emotional, and spiritual horizons. If you have any questions that you would like to ask, please text or email me and I'll make sure that they get answered. Anewmont@gmail.com. You can view and participate via Facebook at Conscious Mind Tripping with Audrey Newmont. https://www.facebook.com/AudreyToolsforTransformation Contact Audrey for more information at 818.665.6165.