Behind the Bars


**Behind the Bars** takes you inside prisons worldwide, featuring raw interviews with men and women who have done time or are incarcerated. Hear their stories, gain insight into their lives, and explore the realities of life behind bars. We give a voice to the unheard, breaking misconceptions and offering a platform for reflection, redemption, and change. Whether you’re curious about prison life, personal stories, or the justice system, this is the place to be. 📺 **YouTube**: [@BehindtheBarsYT]( 🐦 **Twitter**: [@btb55165]( 🎥 **TikTok**: [@behindthebars0]( **Have a story?** If you’ve done time and want to share, email us at **** to be featured. Join the conversation and discover the stories that matter. #BehindTheBars #PrisonStories #RealTalk

Cardiff Cabaret Club


Cardiff Cabaret Club is a production company and community dance group devised and lead by performer, choreographer and artistic director Foo Foo Labelle. Foo Foo Labelle workshops and classes are open to ladies of all ages and backgrounds, those who are ready (and willing)! become an eclectic band of showgirls you see in our productions. As a Troupe dances, a duet or even a soloist, Some of our members have gone on to become award-winning cabaret performers. The shows have gone from strength to strength under Foo Foo Labelle including comedians, guests performers, musicians, bands, poets and variety performers. We are able to create fabulous shows for all venues, seasons and tastes.

Introdução a Ordem e ao Templarismo


✠ A Sereníssima Ordem de Cavalaria Militar Padre Anchieta, como diz o nome, escolheu o seu dístico na figura do ilustre José de Anchieta, um padre jesuíta espanhol que ingressou na Companhia de Jesus no Reino de Portugal, ficando ao seu serviço, e um dos fundadores das cidades brasileiras de São Paulo e do Rio de Janeiro. Foi o primeiro dramaturgo, o primeiro gramático e o primeiro poeta nascido nas Ilhas Canárias. Foi o autor da primeira gramática da língua tupi e um dos primeiros autores da literatura brasileira, para a qual compôs inúmeras peças teatrais e poemas de teor religioso e uma epopeia. Considerado santo pela Igreja Católica, foi beatificado em 1980 pelo papa João Paulo II e canonizado em 2014 pelo papa Francisco. É conhecido como o Apóstolo do Brasil, por ter sido um dos pioneiros na introdução do cristianismo no país. Em abril de 2015 foi declarado co-padroeiro do Brasil na 53.ª Assembleia Geral da CNBB. ✠ A Sereníssima Ordem de Cavalaria Militar Padre Anchieta, advem de ordens afins, com t

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Welcome to Dabarym, your gateway to the rich language and culture of the Set-Apart Scriptures, known to many as the "Bible." In the Hebrew/Abaryth language, Dabarym means "Words," and our mission is to delve into the profound meanings behind these sacred words, exploring the language, culture, and people who penned them. By gaining a deeper understanding of the Hebrew language and the cultural context of the Scriptures, you'll uncover the true essence of the words that have shaped our faith. Dabarym is a branch of the Living for Yahuah ministry, dedicated to teaching the fundamentals of Hebrew through the Alaph-Byth and comprehensive word studies. Whether you're just beginning your journey or looking to deepen your knowledge, Dabarym provides the tools and insights to connect more deeply with the Scriptures and the supreme Author, Yahuah, who inspired it all. Ready to embark on this journey of discovery? Join our community and explore the roots of your faith.