We Aren't Dead Yet


Hei Hei all you rebels, writers and gamers, we're three mind-bending friends, who came to Speculative Literature & TTRPGs in three different ways. Emily Armstrong brings the horror and TTRPG style with her game Quests & Quarrels, and settings Eldrispace, Becketville and CulinaryPunk. Dazz brings in a life of Dungeon Mastering, TTRPG's and decades as a seasoned collector of dice. Sapha Burnell is a bestselling cyberpunk + mythpunk author and small press editor. We’ll see you each week for more news, views & hullabaloos, so, keep the fire burning, the dice rolling, and the pages turning, and remember there’s always something we can do, ‘cause we aren’t dead yet.

The Informed Parent


Since 1992, when The Informed Parent began, audio and video footage from lectures, msm interviews/discussions etc has been collected. Here is a selection that have been digitalised for those who like to investigate what was being covered in the last 3 or 4 decades. The views and information expressed in these videos are not necessarily those of The Informed Parent. Also as more information and research is conducted individuals featured in this collection may have further concerns as they researched the subject in more depth. For example, going beyond concerns into the safety and efficacy, and investigating the foundational theories that vaccination is dependent on, ie germ theory.