Concerning The Times


Jesus is coming soon and we're living in a time when Bible prophecy is being fulfilled. Bible prophecy points directly to Jesus and His invitation to repent and follow Him. We will cover many subjects like The Rapture, Great Tribulation, Second Coming, Antichrist, Judgement, Bema Seat, false teachers, cults, deception, apostate teachings, repentance, heaven, hell, America, Russia, Israel and their roll in the end times scenario and much more. We will not push unbiblical sensationalism such as Bible codes, secret knowledge, special revelations, or date setting. We are stunned by the apathy concerning the return of Jesus and the Bible prophecy held by so many in the evangelical church because Jesus tells us He is coming soon. We are a non-denominational ministry devoted to reaching people with the gospel and the truth of God's word. Concerning The Times is the evangelism & teaching ministry of Howard Green. You can contact us at:

Character Concepts


Character Concepts is a Bible-based, age-appropriate curriculum for parents to teach their children qualities that will reflect the character of Christ. Mission " That the generation to come might know, even the children yet to be born, that they may arise and tell them to their children, that they should put their confidence in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments." Psalm 78:6-7 Company Overview We have completed 37 years of homeschooling. No more school aged children left. They've all graduated. As we have a little more time now, we are creating character curriculum for other families use in training their children in the most important subject there is- character- the very attributes of our Lord and Savior! We hope it'll make your life easier and serve to assist you in raising up children mighty in spirit, warriors prepared to enter service for the Lord! God bless you as you seek to lead your children to the Savior!!