Welcome to Last Century Strange Stuff Brace yourself and discover exiting fun ODD stuff you might never have seen except here on Rumble. In addition expect old and often rare cartoons and even entire series which we top off with bizarre music videos and other weird stranger things. I welcome you to join the ever expanding Last Century Music Channels exclusively for your Entertainment -> - Music Videos ( POP ) ---> Pop music from every year since the thirties = -- POP Concerts ( GIG ) ---> Concert music videos and live gigs of many genres on Rumble = --- POP Stars ( ALL ) ---> Great music video collections from arguably all the best musicians = ----- Strange Stuff ( ODD ) ---> Exciting ODD stuff you might never have seen except on Rumble = Please follow and share these channels and make sure Last Century Music will be the biggest Rumble music spot between Venus and Mars.

A collection of paranormal videos about our poltergeist/demon/ghost/spirit infested house.


**If you want to use any of our content in one of your own videos then please contact us first, and we'll sort it for you.** 😊 For 25+ years, we have lived in this supernatural-ridden house and experienced all manner of paranormal activity. Disclaimer: The paranormal videos presented on this channel are uploaded here for your entertainment purposes only. While we strive to capture captivating and immersive content, the nature of paranormal phenomena is subjective and open to interpretation. We encourage you to enjoy these videos as a form of entertainment and make your own conclusions. Remember, the line between reality and the ethereal can often blur in the realm of the paranormal. Thank you for joining us on our paranormal journey. 😊

Blasters and Blades Podcast


The Blasters & Blades Podcast Just a couple of nerdy Army veterans geeking out on things that go "abracadabra," "pew," "zoom," "boop-beep" and rhyme with Science Fiction & Fantasy. Co-Hosts: Doc Cisca (Uber Book Fan) (Army Medic) JR Handley (Author) (Grunt) Nick Garber (Comic Book Artist) (Super Grunt) We work for free, so if you wanna throw a few pennies our way there is a linked Buy Me A Coffee site where you can do so. Just mention the podcast in the comments when you donate, and I'll keep the sacred bean water boiling! Support the Show: Our Website: Our Facebook Page: Our YouTube Channel: Our Twitter:

Mr Beast


SUBSCRIBE FOR A COOKIE! Accomplishments - Raised $20,000,000 To Plant 20,000,000 Trees - Given millions to charity - Donated over 100 cars lol - Gave away a private island. - Given away over 100 ps4s lol - Gave away 1 million dollars in one video. - Counted to 100k -Read the Dictionary - Watched Dance Till You're Dead For 10 Hours -Read Bee Movie Script -Read Longest English Word -Watched Paint Dry - Ubering Across America - Watched It's Every Day Bro For 10 Hours - Ran a marathon in the world's largest shoes - Adopted every dog in a shelter You get the point haha *Do not email me asking for money, I give away money because it makes me happy :)

Midwest Ghost Hunters


If you have an interest in exploring the paranormal, you're in the right place! For nearly five decades, we have explored the true history and hauntings of some of the scariest places in America, investigating hundreds of locations across 22 states. We have captured evidence of the unexplained and have communicated with the dead. We have also found some locations more hype than haunted. Our goal for this channel is to share our experiences and evidence (or lack of) and let you decide. If you are interested in doing what we do, we hope to teach you a little of that too! Whether you're an armchair ghost hunter or planning a ghostly trip of your own, this channel is your go-to for all things haunted! Remember to hit that subscribe button so you don’t miss any new content! Thanks for sharing our adventures. Just Say Boo!

Gang stalking Mind control Beast system End Times


Gang stalking - Electronic harassment - V2K - Electromagnetic weapons - Sonic weapons - Spiritual warfare - Gaslighting - PSYOPS - Street theatre - Weaponised psychiatry - Whistleblowers - Pedogate - Silencing the victims. Materials in PL and EN. Wstęp do tematyki zorganizowanego nękania [ang. gang stalking, electronic harassment] przez dużą grupę oprawców, z zastosowaniem najnowszych technologii oraz internetu, włamań do telefonów, komputerów oraz z wykorzystaniem portali społecznościowych, funkcji algorytmów "sztucznej inteligencji" [ang. Artificial Intelligence], obsługujących całą sieć. W momencie, w którym osoba zostaje wprowadzona do systemu, przez jakiegokolwiek psychopatę, który dysponuje tego typu technologiami lub zna innych, zajmujących się nękaniem, zostaje uruchomiony system osaczania ofiary w całej przestrzeni internetowej - konta bankowe, poczty e-mail, portale społecznościowe, wyświetlanie odpowiednich reklam w sieci. Dochodzi do tego również nękanie bezpośrednie przez dużą grupę zatrudnionych do tego "aktorów" i informatorów.