Comms, Predictive Programming And Decodes


Predictive Programming is the theory that the government or other higher-ups are using fictional movies or books as a mass mind control tool to make the population more accepting of planned future events. This was first described and proposed by researcher Alan Watt who defines Predictive programming as “Predictive programming is a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by our leaders. If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them and will accept them as natural progressions, thus lessening possible public resistance and commotion.” (Wood) Then it was popularized by Alex Jones and David Icke. The most notable cases of predictive programing are the examples found in the Simpsons, The Dark Night Rises, The Hunger Games, and the oldest being from Futility. Information can be found on blog posts and many conspiracy theorists have either made videos on it or have spoken on the subject.

Endtime CodeSearching


Within the Hebrew Scriptures, YaHuWaH has encoded information. In Daniel 12:4 the WORD says " .. seal up the book until the time of the end. Many shall diligently search and knowledge shall increase" ... We believe we are living in the days the Prophets saw, and wrote about. We believe 'the books' are being unsealed and the information held therein, ENCODED for THIS GENERATION, is ready for those who have ears to hear. And eyes to see. May YaHuWaH and YaHuWShuW'A BaRuK you.