Delay In Block Productions


Delay In Block Productions was founded in November of 2011 by Drayton Blackgrove, a rail enthusiast with a lifelong passion for trains, as a means of sharing his favorite hobby with the world. Originally beginning as a small YouTube Channel, Delay In. Block™ has evolved into a multi-media production company offering high-quality railroad content online and in physical formats. Today, the Delay In Block Rumble Channel is the fastest-growing railroad-related channel and is home to some of the most viewed, high-definition railfan videos on the internet. "Delay In Block" is a Trademark of Delay In Block Productions.



I am a 31 year old streamer who loves playing video games ever since I could remember. I am an entrepnuer and currently own 2 different business that I truly love. One of them is a Restoration business and the other is an Escape Room business. I had open heart surgery at the age of 19 years old and they ended up putting a mechanic aortic valve in me.My gamertag and username reflects the procedure i had and the year I was married. I now believe to live life to the fullest.

Playlist Católica


Este Canal é dedicado a divulgação de Cantores, Ministérios e Bandas Católicas e Especialmente Dedicado a Todos Irmãos que desejam estar sintonizados no Amor de Deus através da Musica Católica. Se você é um Cantor Católico, tem Uma Banda Católica ou um Ministério que gostaria de divulgar, entre em contato, será uma grande alegria para nós divulgarmos o seu trabalho de evangelização! "O DOM MUSICAL, QUANDO COLOCADO A SERVIÇO DA FÉ E DA EVANGELIZAÇÃO, É UMA PODEROSA REDE DE PESCA" CONTATO TWITTER : @playcatolica