Wendie Pett - Get Visibly Fit™


Wendie Pett - Christian Holistic Health and Wellness 🎁 Get your FREE 7 day home workout and meal plan at WendiePett.com Wendie Pett is a holistic health and plant based fitness expert, TV & podcast host, author, speaker and creator of the get Visibly Fit™ health and wellness program. This channel is filled with proven women's health, nutrition coaching, health coaching, plant based, health and wellness plan to help release weight. Get world class health and wellness information, exercise, nutrition tips, recipes and expert interviews to inspire and teach you how to be in your best health in mind, body, and spirit. Get Visibly Fit™ with Wendie Pett! Your Body IS Your Gym™ No equipment ever needed. __________ #WendiePett #GetVisiblyFit #fitness #christian #holistichealth #health #wellness

Best Gadgets


Best Gadgets Channel is all about the latest Tech Best Gadgets. Hello friends, welcome to "Best Gadgets". I created this channel to give an overall idea about smart appliances, gadgets, latest inventions & versatile utensils that are been added each day to the merchandise. I want each individual who want make their lifestyle simpler, and modern to get get an overall idea about latest appliances and Best Gadgets that are manufactured all over the world. I post two-three videos daily on topics that covers Best Gadgets and gadgets for every home. Hope you will love the collection of the best gadgets on this channel. Please don’t forget to subscribe to the channel “Best Gadgets” for daily updates. Hope you all will love this channel and the content I get for you. Thanks. Love you all! Best Gadgets, Best Kitchen Gadgets, Cool Gadgets Review, New Gadgets, Tech, and more. #BestGadgets #CoolGadgets #AmazingGadgets #UniqueGadgets #WonderfulGadgets #BestKitchenGadgets #BestMobileAccessories

Stop Letting Your Past Get in The Way of Your Future Verified


Life After Addiction and Indictment helps those who keep letting their past get in the way of their future reclaim their life through entrepreneurship. Steve knows what It’s like to lose your confidence, have doors slammed in your face and the feeling that you won't ever achieve your dreams of entrepreneurship. Steve has the experience, knowledge and relationships to help you take control of your life and secure your future. After 24 years of "co-existing" in his marriage, Steve knows what it takes to create a happy and fulfilling relationship. Steve celebrated his 32-year anniversary in June 2022. Together they have four boys and one girl, ages 18-30. When he's not working to help others, Steve loves to spend time with his family in Lake Powell, Sunday game night, golfing, traveling, riding motorcycles and snowmobiles with his four boys and creating memories

Hello everyone! Welcome to our channel! Here, you can find the most incredible gadgets and inventions, tips and hacks for your projects, super satisfying machines, and workers who make their job no perfectly you won't believe they are real. Be ready to ha


Hello everyone! Welcome to our channel! Here, you can find the most incredible gadgets and inventions, tips and hacks for your projects, super satisfying machines, and workers who make their job no perfectly you won't believe they are real. Be ready to have your mind blown. If any of this is your thing, subscribe to keep up with us,

ROOM 101 - What science fiction got right about our future


ROOM 101 TEASER Did you ever wonder how 1984 really stacked up to what's going on right now? Or Brave New World? Invasion of the Body Snatchers? We dive into the 1000s of science fiction, scifi-horror, and speculative fiction books and movies that hit the nail on the head or swung and missed trying to predict the future that is NOW. Our future. Welcome to ROOM 101. Get ready for the first episode called "Orwell, Huxley, and Finney Walk into a Bar..." out first week of January, 2022. Presented by Mike T. Lyddon and RPLLC.