Arif Hussain Theruvath


Ex-homeopath, ex-Muslim, and ex-communist here, liberated in that order from the constraints of rigid belief. Open-source learning became my beacon in the information age, guiding me towards truth and wisdom in any circumstance, even on another planet. It's the ultimate tool for seeking knowledge. The power of asking the right questions became evident, unlocking the best answers. This ignited a love for science, humanism, and atheism. My current vision is to transform the political landscape by weaving these ideals into the very fabric of our political systems. Join this quest for enlightenment and liberation, for a brighter India and a better world. Thanks for your time ❤️ Arif Hussain Theruvath

Second Rate Saints


This podcast is produced by a small team of passionate, God fearing Christians who have no greater passion than to worship the Lord. However, we've never been to good at singing. Thankfully, the Lord has blessed us with a passion for learning, exploring the word of God, and asking the tough questions that so many never even think to ask. So if diving into the word of the Lord in a thoughtful, intellectual, and edifying way sounds interesting to you, come and tune in to our weekly discussion and hopefully you can learn something from these Second Rate Saints!