Charity, Faith, and Comfort

1 Follower

Welcome to Surrender, Praise, and Victory! The channel that comforts the Christian who cannot get over their sinful or abusive past, or, who are enduring a tremendous battle (2 Corinathians 1:3,4). This battle-scarred soldier of the Cross has been through fire, but I've come forth like gold. Second Corinthians 1:3,4 tells us to comfort others which are in any kind of trouble with the comfort God has given us. I have overcome family generations that included alcoholism, prostitution, dabbling in the occult, adultery, murder, incest, rape, and behavioral traits such as narcissism, control, verbally abusive, as well as, dealing with lengthy hardship and struggle. If you are facing a fierce battle, take heart! God said He'd never leave us or forsake us and I can confirm His Word is true! Future episodes will include guests who will share their story and testimony of how the Lord comforted them and gave them strength to endure and overcome heartbreak, sorrow, and grief. Other subject matter included will be spiritual warfare, obtaining a closer walk with the Holy Spirit, discernment, etc.