Mikerock Uncensored


Welcome to the official Rumble channel and home for MikeRock Uncensored. Every week I release videos that talk about real life issues and fun. Allergic to bulls#it and defender of the free realm. As a dedicated father and conservative male, my voice and opinions may not always be popular, but they are my own and the whole point of what I do is to encourage people to think for and just be themselves. I hope you enjoy these videos and my perspectives on a variety of differt issues, including what we as a people must learn to address as a team. See you inside. Donations: https://buymeacoffee.com/MikeRock



WHY NOT BUY ME A COFFEE TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL AT https://ko-fi.com/punkrocknineteenseventies Welcome to my YouTube channel this with punk videos from 1970s onwards. I will also show punk videos on here as an extension of my punk page on Facebook and will be used to show punk bands videos from the 1970s onwards, it will include punk bands videos from worldwide.my punk Facebook page was only for family, i then opened it to anybody that was into to punk rock, it is now at almost 27000 in a short time.Bands have posted videos on the group that I then opened a YouTube channel to promote these punk bands and post their videos all-in-one place so other people who are into punk can view what punk has grown into from in 1970s to today.Please subscribe to the channel it will help the channel so much. 27,000 MEMBERS ON FACEBOOK JOIN ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/groups/punkrockuk JOIN OUR YOUTUBE THAT HAS OVER 400 PUNK VIDEOS https://www.youtube.com/@punkrockuk1970s?sub_confirmation=1

Marcus L. Petersen | Guided Meditations


I've provided this channel for people who need some help on Meditation Practices (Including some wonderful Guided Meditations), and perhaps some Wisdom every now and then. If you find that this channel is of use to you, then i'm happy to oblige. QUOTE: "BE the change you want to see in this world, and come fully into the Now. Only there will you find the essence of your Being, and only there can change start to happen. Not Yesterday nor Tomorrow, but 'NOW'." ~ Marcus L. Petersen