Paranormal Videos You may have Missed


Hello. This channel was created for posting old, rare paranormal-themed movies, TV, and home video programs which, in all likelihood, would never again be seen otherwise, to anyone interested, and for archival/nostalgic/preservation purposes. No copyright infringement intended. Feel free to contact the channel directly with any copyright issues, that we might come to an understanding/resolution. Be assured, I do not profit from any of the videos posted here. Comments, questions, suggestions, etc., are welcome; will not hesitate to delete any inappropriate, crass, or disparaging comments, so behave yourselves. Audio-visual anomalies and/or limitations may be evident in some of these videos. Bear in mind: there was no way of knowing that the tapes would survive long enough for their contents to be posted on YouTube someday. Thanks for visiting the channel, and happy viewing!

Uk Paranormal Search


Welcome to the United Kingdom Paranormal Search (UKPS) Rumble channel! With a skeptical perspective, Philip delves into the mysteries of the paranormal world, aiming to present an honest portrayal of ordinary investigators in action. just an ordinary guy striving to uncover the truth behind supernatural phenomena. Balancing skepticism with an openness to possibilities, He doesn't promise you ghosts, but he does promise the truth. No over-the-top drama here – just raw, unfiltered investigations. Are the places Philip visits truly haunted, or is the hype surrounding them merely for the sake of followers and subscribers? He's upfront about not having all the answers, but he's dedicated to sharing the truth as he discovers it.Capturing his thoughts and feelings along the way. Hit that subscribe button and join the UKPS community. Who knows, maybe this channel will reshape your outlook on the supernatural. e-mail

Paranormal, Mystery, Legenden & Mythen, Geistervideos


Willkommen bei MysteryBox ^^ Ihr interessiert euch für Paranormales und schaut gerne Videos zu Geisteraktivitäten, Schattenwesen, Kreaturen, Poltergeister, Dämonen, Engel und anderen Paranormalen Phänomenen? Dann seid ihr hier richtig! Hier gibt es regelmäßig neue Geistervideos, echte Geisterjagd und Lost Places Aufnahmen sowie andere unheimliche Videos zu Thema Mystery ,Mythen und Legenden. In meinen Videos analysiere ich gruselige Internetvideos, die mysteriös , bizarr, seltsam, furchterregend und ab und zu unerklärlich sind. Alle Videos auf diesen Kanal dienen der Unterhaltung , also wenn ihr auf Horror steht und euch gerne gruselt, findet ihr hier jede Woche was spannendes zum anschauen. Dazu gehören möglicherweise echte Geister, Dämonen und Engel Aufnahmen. Rätselhafte Aufnahmen von UFO und UAP werden ebenfalls monatlich vorgestellt und bearbeitet. Ich hoffe meine Videos werden euch hervorragend amüsieren. Sobald sich der Kanal entwickelt werde ich auch selbst Spuk Orte besuchen.