In affinity with cutting-edge graphic novelists like Grant Morrison and Alan Moore, Galactic History unites 3 of the most provocative pioneers in their prospective fields. - World renown multi-media artist James Mathers, whose work is in the private collections of Nicolas Cage, Billy Zane, Eric Idle and Marina Guinness (to name a few)... - Music & story by Herwig Maurer (\'Apocalypto\', \'Passion of the Christ\', Mankind Liberation Front)... - Story and narration by Stewart Swerdlow, formally of the infamous secret government program, the Montauk Project, an off-shoot of the Philadelphia Experiment. - Stewart Swerdlow has authored 15 books and is an expert in mind control deprogramming. A gifted Hyperspace Intuitive, he has the ability to see auric fields and personal archetypes as well as read DNA sequences and mind-patterns. He is a Doctor of Alternative Healing and Deprogramming with a Medical License in Indigenous Medicine. His great-uncle, Yakov Sverdlov, was the first president of the Soviet Union. To ensure that his family\'s loyalties stayed with the U.S. government, he was “recruited” as a child for specific government mind-control experiments, including 13 years at the Montauk Project, which enhanced his natural abilities. His mission is to help others heal themselves in a positive way, thus avoiding the negativity he experienced. - Maurer and Mather\'s bios coming soon. In the meantime, more on James Mather\'s can be found here -

Raelian Movement


What if, out of the thousands of UFO sightings that occur each year, one person actually met the occupant – the “driver” of one of these UFOs? And what if this person were given information by this space-being that explained the secret history of life on Earth and its pending future? And, what if all this information had been published decades ago and acknowledged by thousands of people, including scientists and historians? Wouldn\'t you like to read that book? You can download it free at

Blood Culture Multigaming


Blood Culture Multigaming @ [BC] é o maior clan FPS da América Latina e um dos maiores do mundo ainda em atividade com mais de 250 membros de todas as partes do Brasil. Mantemos os melhores servidores de jogos do país, aqui é a casa do Call of Duty Rio @ Partice GRÁTIS! Aliste-se e seja um de nós e tenha vaga garantida em nossos servers! Somos amigos de infância e jogamos juntos por décadas desde do Atari 2600, mas em 2000 passamos a jogar regularmente em LAN e em 2005 fundamos o BC para jogar online exclusivamente uma versão do Quake 2 desenvolvida por nós. Fizemos muitos amigos em todo Brasil e pelo mundo. Nos anos seguintes nos tornamos MultiGaming e inacreditavelmente somos mais conhecidos fora que no próprio Brasil, principalmente pelo desenvolvimento do já citado Quake e das famosas séries HER e Call of Duty Frontlines. Para saber mais sobre o desenvolvimento visite Unidos somos mais Fortes!

Remove Before Race Verified


Welcome to Remove Before Race! The weekly YouTube car show for obsessively detailed and special effects filled reviews! See anyone can review a car, it’s done to death: but at RBR we go beyond the norm, using crazy VFX to show you visuals of a car’s history, it’s tech and maybe even renders of it’s future! And it’s a combo that really works: just check any of our videos to see what our loyal viewers think. ;) Also the official Channel for Mr AMG @RokenR of Instagram. See daily updates and behind the scenes on Instagram! :-