Reg Kelly Sermons
29 FollowersReg Kelly. Authorized King James Bible believing/preaching pastor. We will try to post 4 times per week (Sunday Morning Bible Class, Sunday Morning Service, Sunday evening service and Wednesday evening service).
Reg Kelly. Authorized King James Bible believing/preaching pastor. We will try to post 4 times per week (Sunday Morning Bible Class, Sunday Morning Service, Sunday evening service and Wednesday evening service).
Welcome to my channel! My name is Greg Secker, I am a master trader, international speaker, entrepreneur, author and philanthropist. On this channel you will find content on how to become a successful trader, how to use trading indicators, how to read and use charts to your advantage and how to become an expert in emotional mastery. My goal for this channel is to share my years of experience in the Forex and Trading Market with you guys! So subscribe to my channel so you don’t miss a video!
SpringWaterGreg - Subscribe to Socials via BitChute - Rumble - Odysee - FakeBook - YouTube Stories have been a way cultures pass on their knowledge to future generations. Everyone loves a great story. It brings you back to the simple joy of wonder. Your sense of imagination is strengthened and your mindset downloads a full recharge. The sovereign nations, tribes & clans of Australia refer to their stories as 'The Dreamtime' and use this as the basis of handing down wisdom to future generations. With the failed introduction of the ruthless trojan horse known as "The Voice", the real history of Australia finally started to reach the people. THEY deliberately weaved this country into liquidation. But, THAT "System" be it "Pandemic", "Climate" or whatever made up variation is all but trickery. The Dreamtime we have called for has recommenced it's journey as the great southern land of the holy spirit. We stand together in unity under the big bright sun, the new flag is flown with dignity. "Soverignty was never ceded in this country". The free, the living, will never OBEY a dead system. The African's use story, song and dance to carry-on their traditions. This was particularly important when they were enslaved and restricted from communication with each other. It was these foundations which evolved into the practice we know as 'Voodoo'. And I am not referring to the Holly-Wierd manipulation. In most religions we refer to stories of old as 'Mythology' and often call on them as examples which assist us to live our best ever lives. The beauty of this is that it is not important whether the stories are real or not, but rather the gift is in how we incorporate the essence of the message and adapt it into our daily practices. Further, the horrors of the Palestine disposition are now known to the world. The demand for a permanent ceasefire and an end to the occupation are rightfully shaking the planet like never before. One loss is one too many. Tens of thousands of losses are unforgiveable. We see clearly that with all occupations, it is the innocence that suffers. The same few pull the strings & literally call the "shots" against both sides. But this is only for as long as both sides are unable to see the truth as it is. This world has been the laughing stock of the few putrid weazles that are so infested within their own bitterness (until we snatch all our power back and deflate them once and for all). The draconian agenda is a very boring, tacky and disgraceful initiative. Those dirty grubs made one very important mistake. It only takes one to hold strong the fragments of the collective human spirit. Together, we genuinely laugh back at them, all of them. We have far greater numbers of beautiful truth keepers. So many of us who know what is happenning and we are not buying into the nonsense. We clearly see THEM, those Emperer's with nothing to hide behind anymore. THEY will never ever fool all of us. We see it and all its distorted lies exactly as they are. Future generations will look back on the failure of the 2030 agenda and admire those who stood their ground united. Those who kept that stance firm their entire lives are the ones we salute. Everything we do sculps the path for future generations - our inherent goodness is the benevolence which powers us irrespective of the riddiculous muppet show. The gifted who can see this scamdemic for what it really is, were given first hand experience of the absolute insanity the alledged "pandemic that simply isn't" is. Smart Technology - Just Say No To the lot - Once you know what is going on, You will never leave your gaurd down again - Do Everything the Old Fashioned Way. Love to the resistance in Melbourne - Gratitude to each and every one of you for never ever giving up. The insanity of locking-up Western Sydney for 3 Months in 2021 with no justification was an absolute disgrace. Clearly we knew "THERE HAVE NEVER BEEN ANY AREAS OF CONCERN AND NEVER EVER WILL BE". We know exactly what the real concern is ... we have lost our fear & we rise above them. Those hideous birds comonly known as "Bin Chickens" serve as a reminder, that no matter which monster stands on the idiot box, we know that THEY are only the useless eater sellouts that do exactly what they have been told. Allow your Intuition to ALWAYS guide you!!! May all of humanity always live & breathe on the right side of freedom. Cultural Sensitivity Warning: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that this website may contain images, voices and videos of deceased persons. Users are warned that there may be words and descriptions that may be culturally sensitive and which might not normally be used in certain public or community contexts. "Embrace our Larrikin Spirit, It's our best defence against Tyranny". *LOVE*WEALTH*GRATITUDE*FREEDOM*PEACE* ******
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Roeh Israel today, is a congregation of Jewish and Gentile believers in Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah. Congregation Roeh Israel was started by Eliezer Urbach while he was working for Chosen People Ministries. It began as a small home fellowship and grew quickly from there. Within a few years this small home fellowship had outgrown Eliezer’s living room, and in 1980 he was moved by God to start an independent congregation. In 1980, Roeh Israel was born. Burt Yellin was called to be the Pastor/Rabbi in 1985, where he still serves the Lord today. In 1991, Bill Berg was called to be the Associate Pastor, where he served until he went to be with the Lord in December 2018. What began as a fellowship has now grown to some 300 people.
Building adventures with my carpentry skills, hiker spirit, and 20+ years of gaming – join this hillbilly gamer from rural Appalachia, USA. 🪓🏞️🎮 Watch the loot reaper, help him find legendary loot, win fierce battles, and land clutch victories!🏆#Gaming #Hiking #Building Donate to show your support!
The Renovate Ottawa is hosted by author, artist, master renovator, and entrepreneur Greg Luchak. A show about business, renovating, flipping, and much more. Showcasing small businesses from artisans to investors and everyone in between.
Heute, da die Weltgemeinschaft mit der zunehmenden Bedrohung durch den Klimawandel konfrontiert wird, ist das Streben nach Sicherheit und Stabilität für jeden von grundlegender Bedeutung geworden. Diese Situation erfordert sofortiges und entschlossenes kollektives Handeln. Die Freiwilligen der „Kreativen Gesellschaft“ richten ihre Anstrengungen darauf aus, eine Zukunft zu schaffen, die frei von Überlebenskämpfen angesichts der klimatischen Herausforderungen ist.
Video Gamer Streamer & Fiction Story Writer. Full-time Online College Student as well. Godspeed.
Safeguarding The Soul & Freeing The Spirit. Participating in the revolution of our self evolution.
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Beschreibung Međunarodni projekat "Kreativno društvo" pokrenuli su ljudi iz cijelog svijeta. U modernom društvu dominira potrošački format, a svi vidimo da se iscrpio i doveo čovječanstvo u ćorsokak. 11. maja 2019. na globalnoj onlajn konferenciji „DRUŠTVO. POSLJEDNJA ŠANSA“ ljudi su pokrenuli ovo pitanje i izrazili opšte mišljenje da je izgradnja novog Kreativnog društva vitalna potreba. Jedinstveni format konferencije inspirisao je ljude na akciju, jer su mogli da iznesu svoja iskrena mišljenja i preuzmu odgovornost za svoje živote i našu zajedničku budućnost. U ovoj fazi postavili smo cilj da od ljudi širom svijeta saznamo da li žele živjeti u Kreativnom društvu, kao i da informišemo javnost o ovoj mogućnosti.
My name is Devin Krauss, an aspiring animator trying to learn everything I can about animation methods and the most efficient way to make animations.
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