Jewels Colony Ministries

1 Follower

The purpose of Jewels Colony Ministries is very simply, for Fellowship, Worship, and Service. Think of it as a group of friends who encourage each other unto greater faith and service in God, studying the Word together, growing in faith together, and serving our generation together. Come aboard this train and join our live studies, worship sessions, and in-person events that would be announced here. In JCM, we believe that God has a divine purpose for everyone - a Masterplan, and it is our desire to see your purpose in God fulfilled.

Rebel Speakers

1 Follower

¡Bienvenido! yo soy Gerardo Betancourt y en este canal voy a llenarte de buenas ideas, estrategias e historias que te ayudarán a maximizar tu liderazgo y cambiar el mundo con el poder de tus ideas. Inicié este canal como una válvula personal de escape para hablar de las cosas que no necesariamente hablo en mi trabajo de día o con mis clientes, así que no te sorprendas si encuentras contenido inusual con herramientas prácticas para comunicarte mejor y con más impacto. Así que te doy la bienvenida, no te olvides de suscribirte y dejarme un like en el video que te haya traído aquí.

Smokin Rock The Rebel Riffs

1 Follower

"Smokin' Rock" is an electrifying band that unleashes an irresistible wave of straight ahead rock music. With their captivating melodies and infectious energy, they ignite a fire on stage that will leave you mesmerized. As passionate purveyors of the rock and roll lifestyle, they generously share their mind-blowing music and incredible videos right here on Rumble. So, if you're an avid rock enthusiast ready to embark on a wild sonic journey, join the "Smokin' Rock" revolution and prepare to be swept away by their unstoppable rhythm and pure rock essence.



A bonding of Trust with Gene to Generation. 🧬. Follow on Instagram: #genejewels #goldmangalsutradesigns #goldmangalsutradesigns #goldratetoday #todaysgoldrate #gold #silver #silverratetoday #toering #Silvertoering #goldearrings #latestearrings #lightweightgoldearrings #hangingearrings #newdesignearring #fancyearrings #simpleearrings #goldhoopsearrings #dailywearearrings #earrings #goldjhumkas #goldsuidhagaearrings #goldnecklace #longmangalsutra #longganthan #longnecklace #miniganthan #shortmangalsutra #vatimangalsutra #miniganthan #ganthan #silveranklets #silverpaya #anklets #pendant #Chandikipayal #ankletsdesignforgirls #silverbangles # #jewellery #women #viral #cute #girl #ladies #new #collection #gehna #lover #viral #youtube #shorts #reels #facebook #i