

The Jabber Guys, with 'Ote', 'Queex', and 'Cha', present podcasts that explore the wacky world that we all share, through lively exchanges, interesting insights, and elements of the unbelievable. Bringing different personalities, experiences, and stories to the table, they each share their unique sense of humour and thoughtful insights to a variety of thought-provoking topics designed to enlighten and entertain. WEBSITE -https://www.jabberguys.com/ INSIDE ROCK - https://insiderock.buzzsprout.com/ and WEIRD and WACKY WORLD - https://weirdandwackyworld.buzzsprout.com/

The Wolf and the Butterfly


Welcome to our Rumble channel where we share our passion for coloring and drawing! Our videos are perfect for anyone who loves art, nature, and animals. Every week we offer a free downloadable coloring page that you can print and color at home. We also love to create art featuring fantasy settings and creatures that will take you on a journey to other worlds. Join us as we share our love for creativity and bring beautiful art to life. Don't forget to hit the subscribe button so you never miss an episode!



Was THAT attempted murder? As a targeted senior I was refused admission in the North Bay Hospital emergency twice. The only I was able to get admitted was our police Service escorting me and staying with me until a doctor attended. The police had to break my front door down as opposed to calling an undertaker which I appreciated. I was hospitalized over two months and was haemorrhaging in the stomach and the bladder, and the kidney and I had lost 86 pounds in a short window. It is scandleess that the nurse who refused me admission is still working at the North Bay Hospital (NBRHC). That's how cocky the system has become.You will View much more shocking eye openers in the other movies So I became an advocate for abused targeted senior citizens. THIS HAS BEEN DESCRIBED AS A HEART BREAKING TRUE STORY. It has brought tears to some adult men Viewers.. For five years I have personally been crucified by a whole Army of tax paid HEALTH CARE BULLIES who execute the wishes and expectations of the punitive Ontario PC government. You are going to VIEW the truth exposed in this and several other upcoming EYE OPENER MOVIES. Like me you may wonder if some of these so-called care coordinators are masochist oriented? CarePartners, who is an employer of caregivers and nurses is solely owned by a non-Canadian investor living in China. Do you think he cares about Canadian senior citizens? In just 16 days 32 HEALTHY doctors all under 50 yers old suddenly dropped dead. All had taken the "JAB". (Forced on them by government) or be terminated.) Should they have just quit work IN CANADA? AGAIN I AM HUMBLY BEGGING PREMIER DOUG FORD TO #1 LAUNCH AN UNBIASED INVESTIGATION OF THE SICK HEALTH bored SYSTEM IN NORTH BAY and 2 EXPLAIN WHY EVERY CARE COORDINATOR IS ARMED WITH UNLIMITED POWER AND ACCOUNTABLE TO NOBODY?