Black Flag Productions


Since Black Flag Productions just launched, we went to the future -- 2027 to be exact -- to get a description of the channel: "BFP has emerged from the tribulation as the #1 streaming channel in the world (for those who haven't taken the mark of the beast). Now that earth's population has dwindled from 9 billion back in 2022 to just 500 million this year thanks to the Georgia Guidestones Initiative, Black Flag Productions is reaching more Christians enduring to the end than ever before with their pirating of the radioactive millimeter broadband fyve-jee signals. Gotta go now, the dragon is starting to talk that just emerged from the sea..." Ok, we're back now. What a wild ride! Now we know how John must've felt when he was stranded on Patmos and got called up in the spirit by God to see the prophecies of the future being fulfilled... *Revelation 1:9 JUST REMEMBER when it comes to the guillotine or the vacscheme, er, we mean "mark of the beast," just say NO! TUNE IN HERE WEEKLY!



Hello! And welcome to my channel. My name is OgBlue_Flame The games you will be seeing in this channel are: Skylanders Spyro Adventure, Skylanders Giants, Skylanders Swap Force, Skylanders Trap Team, Skylanders Superchargers, Skylanders Imaginators, Kingdom Rush, Plants Vs Zombies, Zuma, Feeding Frenzy, Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, Sonic 06, Sonic Unleashed, Shadow The Hedgehog, Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance, Mortal Kombat Armageddon, Mortal Kombat Deception, Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks, WWE2K23, Five Night's At Freddy's Security Breach, Five Night's At Freddy's Help Wanted, Bloons Tower Defense 6, Bloons Tower Defense Battles 2, Pokemon Tower Defense, Fortnite, and more! However I will be mostly playing Skylanders and the other games will be fillers just in case if I get bored of the game lol. If you enjoy my content then feel free to subscribe!