Hello everyone, I am Masha.


I love doing all kinds of crafts and DIY projects. I never liked going to the salon getting my nails done (mostly because I rarely was satisficed with the result) and started doing my own nails and have fallen in love with the process and would like to share with you how I do them with the perspective of a beginner rather than a professional. I also sew and knit, grow house plants and have a garden. And I am doing my best to manage all that along side of being a wife and a mother of three. So I would like to share my experience with you in hopes that it helps you in your life journey relying more on your own skill rather than hiring someone else to do it for you. I hope you find my channel useful and I would love to have you as my subscriber. Thank you for visiting my channel and I will see you in the next video.

Canadian Freedom Fighters - Facts over Fear.


Here are some of the issues we work to educate the public on: - Constitutional and Charter of Rights and Freedoms violations perpetrated by our government and their agencies. - Health Canada mandates and over-reach. - Disinformation from our government and their agencies. - Emergencies Act being illegaly invoked. - Provincial/Municipal by-laws and policies that are unconstitutional. - Video documenting protests and assemblies. - Main stream media and the dis-information they report. God Bless Canada. Mandate Freedom.

Come Smokes Relax & Enjoy. MoeJoe's Band (Demo's)


These demo's will be subject to change for the better, anything we need to add or remove in this demo ?,help us out, with the tracks on full album. Help us out and be apart of the team.Guy's share your opinions thank you ! Set the captives free.. *GerWulf* i a man, Started in 2018 playing guitar with fishing wire on it, and never played any else again, now sometime i play with my pets that is and other topic. *MoeJoe's Band* Moe (me) & Joe (Joe) (Seeking Veracity)we dicided to start in 2015, So one day Joe asked me if i wanted to play bass with him, so he lend me one till one day i built my self one. So thank you Joe for giving the love of playing music (From brain to sound of Frequency) Create/Compose/Improvise All original stuff, for the pleasure of our ears. no cover no copying others artists For this video, i give my thank you to you guys the viewers and: - my self for boost ego's moral. - my Mother Earth for giving a nice day. - my Wife for Love & Passion. - my Kids for Support & giving a reason not to quit. - my Actor's in the clip. - my band called: (MoeJoe's and friends) - my Mother & Father for living. and showing me how to eat, so i would not die All are songs a free to use. Donation appriciated (1st goal New Guitar and some sound effects) email: petworld@hotmail.com or jaja06@hotmail.com Facebook: Patrick Gerwulf https://www.facebook.com/Patrick.Gerwulf if you like are music share with friends Thank you ! / Merci ! May a exellent day be up on you's

Fear Old Idea


Dive deep into the complexities of society and culture with us as we challenge conventional wisdom and explore the ideas that shape our world. In each episode, we dissect outdated beliefs, discuss contemporary issues, and provide fresh perspectives on the quirks of modern life. Join our hosts as they engage with thought-provoking topics, featuring interviews with experts, personal anecdotes, and a healthy dose of humor. Whether you’re a curious mind or a seasoned thinker, there’s something here for everyone!