Pay Down Debt Solutions


Pay Down offers a unique financial Strategy to eliminate debt. It is a type of velocity banking that shows you how to get out of debt without changing your lifestyle. Pay Down, is a simple dollars and sense approach that has your money working for YOU to reduce your interest payments and pay down your debt! Want to pay off your mortgage in half the time? We teach you what you need to know but probably don't. For those interested in private 1-on-1 coaching to learn how to implement their personal Pay Down method, we can be reached at: Visit our website at:

Orlando Owen


Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen auf meinem Rumble Kanal, Mein Name ist Orlando Owen und ich bin Deutschlands führender Männlichkeitscoach und Mentor. Ich veröffentliche jede Woche Videos zu Themen wie Mannwerdung, Selbstwertgefühl, Beziehungen und vielen anderen spannenden Themen. Lass mich gerne wissen, was Dir das jeweilige Video gebracht hat und schreibe Deine Fragen in die Kommentare! Wenn Du mehr erfahren möchtest und wenn Du vor allem wissen möchtest was Du in Deiner Situation konkret tun kannst besuche uns auf oder schreib uns eine Email an Ich freue mich Dich bald persönlich kennen zu lernen. So long, dein Orlando

Tearing Down High Places


In ancient Israel cultural compromise often came when "The High Places" were allowed to remain in a land God claimed to be Holy. Many Kings in Israel and Judah recognized this but many more allowed some compromise instead of completely tearing down these "High Places" where sacrifices to foreign gods led God's people to sin. Today, Our culture and more specifically our Christian culture is tempted by corruption that exists because of compromise. We will on this podcast discuss many cultural issues that could lead or have already led to compromise for the Christian. Our prayer is that you would want to help us TEAR DOWN THOSE HIGH PLACES. Please listen to, subscribe and share this weekly podcast.