Dedebit Media


ስለ ደደቢት ሚድያ ናይ ትግራይ ታሪኽ፣ ክብርታትን ቅርስታትን ብዝተናውሐ ናይ ፀላእቲ ዘመተ ንነዊሕ እዋን እናተዛብዐን እናተዘረፈን ዝመፀ ምኻኑ ይፍለጥ እዩ፡፡ እዚ ከዓ ብሚድያ ብዝተሓገዘ ናይ ፀላእቲ ሽርሒ እዩ ኔሩ፡፡ ብኣንፃሩ ከዓ ተጋሩ ኣብ ኣጠቓቕማ ሚድያ ደኺምና ዝነበርናሉን ክሳብ ሕጂ እውን እንተኾነ ክንድቲ ዝድለ ዘይሰራሕናሉን ዓውዲ ምኻኑ ይፍለጥ እዩ፡፡ ነዚ ስዒቡ ከዓ ፀላእትና ክብርታትናን ታሪኽናን ካብ ምዝራፍ ሓሊፎም ህልውናና ናብ ምጥፋእ ደረጃ ተሰጋጊሮም ህዝብና እናጎሳቖሉን እናቐተሉን ዘርኢ ኣብ ናይ ምጥፋእ እኩይ ተግባር ተሰማርዮም ይርከቡ፡፡ ስለዚ ከም ተጋሩ ሓደጋታትና እናምከና ናብቲ ዝነበርናዮ ኩለመዳያዊ ልዕልና ንክንምለስን ነቲ ዝካየድ ዘሎ ግፍዓዊ ተግባራት ፀላእቲ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ብኣግባቡን ኣብ ዝሓፀረ ግዜ ንምምላስን ከም ዓብዪ መሳርሒ ንክኾነና ብምሕሳብ በታ ወርቃዊ ቃልሲ ካልኣይ ወያነ ትግራይ ዝተጀመረላ ቦታ – ደደቢት – ሽም ደደቢት ሚድያ ኢልና ሓዱሽ መራኸቢ ሓፋሽ ትግራይ መስሪትና ኣለና። ደደቢት ሚድያ ጥቕምን ክብርን ትግራይ ኣብ ምሕላው፣ ዝተዛብዐ ታሪኽ ኣብ ምስትኽኻል፣ ዝተወሰደ ቅርሲ ኣብ ምምላስን ንቐፃሊ ውሕስነት ትግራይ ኣብ ምርግጋፅን ጠንኪሩ ዝሰርሕ ሚድያ እዩ፡፡ ኣብ ሞንጎ በዓል ዋናን ዘራፍን ታሪኽን ቅርስን ዘሎ ምድንግጋር ኣብ ምንፃር ጠንኪሩ ዝሰርሕ ፍትሓዊን ደፋርን ሚድያ እውን እዩ፡፡ ንኣብነት መናእሰይ ኢትዮጵያ (ብፍላይ ከዓ ክልል ኣምሓራ) ብናይ ሓሶት ትረኻ ኣህዳውያን ተደናጊሮም እቲ ዝብሃል ኩሉ ሓቂ መሲሉዎም ኣሚኖም ፀረ-ህዝቢ ትግራይ ዝቃለሱ ከም ዘለዉ ይፍለጥ እዩ፡፡ እቲ ብጣዕሚ ዝሕዝን ከዓ ኣብ ውሽጢ ትግራይና ተወሊዶም ዝዓበዩ መናእሰይ ትግራይ እውን ታሪኽ ኢትዮጵያ ዝተዘረፈ ታሪኽ ትግራይ ምኻኑ ዘይፈልጡ ከምዘለዉ እንትትሰምዕ እዩ፡፡ ንኣብነት ግእዝ ኮነ ያሬዳዊ ቅኔን ዱጓን ንዘበናት ብዝሰርሑዎ ሴራዊ ናይ ታሪኽ ዘረፋ ኣህዳውያን ዋንነት እንትሓቱ ናቶም መሲሉዎ ዝደነጋገር መንእሰይ ትግራይ እውን ኣይተሳእነን፡፡ ካሊእ ተሪፉ ቅኔ፣ ዱጓን ኣቋቋምን ክመሃር ካብ ትግራይ ዝስደድ ትግራዋይ መንእሰይ ካብ ምርኣይ ንላዕሊ ዝሕዝን የለን፡፡ ቅድሚ ዓሰርተታት ዓመታት ዝተፈፀሙ መስተንክራዊ ስርሒታት ተጋሩ እውን እንተይተረፈ – ከም ኣብነት ታሪኻዊ ስራሕቲ 2ይ ወያነ ትግራይ – ናታቶም ታሪኽ ንምግባር ታሪኽ ኣብ ምዝባዕ እንትሰርሑ እውን ንርኢ ኣለና፡፡ ስለዚ ደደቢት ሚድያ ታሪኽ ናብ ዋናታቱ ኣብ ምምላስ ጠንኪሩ ብምስራሕ ዝዓበየን ታሪኻውን ተግባር ክፃወት እዩ። ትግራይ ብዙሕ ታሪኽን ቅርስን ኣለዋ፡፡ ነገር ግን ብዙሓት ናይ ውሽጥን ደገን ፀላእቲ እውን ኣለዉዋ እዮም፡፡ ስለዚ ፍሉይ (unique) ዝኾነ ኣተሓሕዛ፣ ኣመዛዝናን ኣቀራርባን መረዳእታ ኣድላይ ይኸውን፡፡ እዚ ከዓ ኣብ ሓፂር ግዜ ኩሉ ዝተዛብዐ ትረኻ ንምስትኽኻል ይሕግዝ፡፡ ስለዚ ንትግራይ ንድሕሪት ዝመልሱ ሓደጋታት ምስ ዝህልዉ ሚድያና ብፍሉይ ጠመተ ሂቡ ኣብ ግዚኡ ንኽምለስ ብምግባር ኣያን ማእገርን ህዝቡ ክኸውን እዩ፡፡ ብኣጠቓላሊ፣ ኣብ ዓርሰ ሙርከሳ ዝተመስረተት ትግራይ እንትንሓስብ፣ ንቕድሚት ብነዊሑ ዝሓስባን ኣድቂቐን ዝሙግታን ዝተናበባ መራኸብቲ ሓፋሽ የድልይኣ፡፡ ኣብ ዲሞክራስያዊ መስርሕ መራኸብቲ ሓፋሽ ራብዓይ መንግስቲ እውን ስለዝኾና፡፡ ስለዚ ደደቢት ሚድያ ዝተመስረተሉ ዋና ምኽንያት ተናቢቦም ዝኸዱ ህዝብን መንግስትን ኣብ ምፍጣር ናይ ቅድሚት ቅድሚት ተግባሩ ጌሩ ንክሰርሕ እዩ፡፡ ብታሪኻ፣ ብቋንቋኣን ትሕዝቶን ኣብ ዓለም ትፍለጥ፣ ትመራመርን ትሰርሕን ትግራይ ኣብ ምህናፅ፣ ቴክኖሎጂ ኣብ ምትእትታው፣ ብትግርኛ ኣብ ምፍጣርን እውን ደደቢት ሚድያ ጠንኪራ ክትሰርሕ እያ፡፡ ብጠቕላላ ደደቢት ሚድያ ህዝቢ ትምህር፣ ናይ ለውጢ ሓይልታት እተለዓዕል፣ ሙህራንን ካልኦት መዳርግቲ ኣካላትን እትሓቁፍ ሚድያ ብምኻን ፀብለልትኣ ክተርኢ እያ፡፡ ብብቑዓት ሰብ ሙያታት እናሰርሐት ዓለም ለኻዊ ተዋዳዳራይነታ ኣረጋጊፃ ትግራይ ኣብተን ኣብ ቅድሚት ዝተሰለፋ ሀገራት ዓለም ተርታ ንኽትስለፍ እጃማ ክትዋፃእ እያ፡፡ ምሕደራዊ ደንቢ ደደቢት ሚድያ ብሰብ ሞያ ሕጊ ኣብ ቀረባ እዋን ዝዳሎ ይኸውን፡፡ About Dedebit Media The history, values , and heritage of Tigray have been distorted and plundered for a long time by the prolonged campaign of the enemies. This was a conspiracy of the enemies with the help of their media. On the other hand, this is an area where Tigrayans have not done enough yet. Following this, our enemies have not only plundered our values and history but have also moved to the stage of destroying our existence. Therefore, we have established a media outlet in the name of Dedebit Media in the place where the golden struggle of the Second Tigrayan heroic Uprising began – Dedebit. Dedebit Media is committed to protecting the interests and dignity of Tigray, correcting distorted history, restoring stolen heritage, and ensuring the continued security of Tigray. It is also a fair and courageous media that works hard to clarify the confusion between the owner and the plunderer of history and heritage. For example, the youth of Ethiopia (especially the Amhara Region) are being deceived by the false narrative of the unitarist and believing that everything that the anti-Tigray propagandists say is true. The sad thing is that there are young people who were born and raised in Tigray who do not know that the history of Ethiopia is just the history of Tigray. For example, there are many young people in Tigray who are confused when the unitarist Ethiopians claim ownership of “Geez and Yaredawi Zema and Duga” for their conspiratorial plunder of history for centuries. There is nothing sad than seeing Tigrayan youth migrating from Tigray to learn poetry, dugga, and aququm. To the surprise of any human, even the spectacular operations of the Tigrayans decades ago – such as the historic works of the 2nd Tigray Uprising (2nd Weyane) – are being distorted to make their own history. Therefore, Dedebit Media will play a bigger and more historic role by working hard to return history to its owners. Tigray has a lot of history and heritage. But it also has many internal and external enemies. Therefore, unique handling, judgment, and presentation of data are required. This helps to correct all distorted narratives in a short time. Therefore, when there are dangers that will turn Tigray backward, our media will pay special attention to ensure that it returns in time and will be the backbone of its people. Overall, when we think of a self-reliant Tigray, it needs readable media that thinks long and argues carefully. Because a media is also the fourth pillar of a government in the democratic process. Therefore, the main reason for the establishment of Dedebit Media is to take the lead in creating an informed society and government. Dedebit Media will also work hard to build a Tigray that is known in the world for its history, heritage, heroism, civilization, language, and resources. Overall, Dedebit Media will excel as a media that educates the people, inspires forces of change, and embraces teachers and other stakeholders. It will also be a means to connect the diaspora, especially the youth and scholars, with their homeland and people. Working with qualified professionals, it will ensure its international competitiveness and contribute to Tigray's ranking among the leading countries in the world.

God Wins Media


inDeo media Is citizen created content, utilizing data and information from trusted neighbors around the world... inDeo media is built from a network of patriots who are tired the main stream media fake news narratives. inDeo media promises to bring you information. but we can\\\'t always promise that it\\\'s 100% true, but always try to get it right and when we\\\'re wrong, we admit it. We here at inDeo media believe that free speech is an absolute. As always, we encourage all of our subscribers to use the discernment God gave them and do your own research and decide for yourself. As humans we are way too trustworthy verifying double verify. This is opinion news backed up by facts that are in search of God’s Truth! We are always looking to grow our network if you would like to be a correspondent for your area and provide media and feedback for news an event related to your geographic cool location, please email Please include your location name contact information. in the event major news breaks out in in your area we asked to be a good neighbor and give us the truth as you see it. Citizens of the world get involved we can\\\'t trust what once was our shepherds but who now are obviously wolves. If you get us the scoop, we\\\'ll get it out to our neighbors. Turn off the TV folks we are the news now!