Futures Edge: Finance Unfiltered with Jim Iuorio and Bob Iaccino


Join market veterans Jim Iuorio and Bob Iaccino as they interview top-tier guests and draw on their combined 60+ years of experience in financial markets. Dive into compelling discussions on commodities, cryptocurrency, forex, futures, stocks, politics, and pop culture. They bypass the noise from traditional media and break down complex macroeconomics, price action, and policy impacts on markets and the economy, all in plain English. Jim and Bob make sense of what matters to you because it matters to them.

Hörspiele Hörbücher Krimis


Liebe Freunde der Sonne, herzlich Willkommen in unserer Gemeinschaft von Audio-Fans. Wir lieben es, eigene Bilder im Kopf zu erschaffen, ganz ohne Geflimmer vor unseren Augen. Es ist mir ein Anliegen, diese Leidenschaft mit Euch allen zu teilen. Ich freue mich sehr über Feedback in Form von Kommentaren, Likes und Abos. Dieser Kanal ist nicht monetarisiert, um Euch ein möglichst werbefreies Hörvergnügen zu ermöglichen. Wem dieser Kanal mit nun mittlerweile fast 700 Hörspielen/-büchern etwas wert ist, kann gern FREIWILLIG meine Arbeit unterstützen. PayPal: https://paypal.me/mariopatzwahl1?country.x=DE&locale.x=de_DE Überweisung: Freunde der Sonne DE16700100800506546805 Ich wünsche uns allen eine entspannte Zeit und viel Freude auf diesem Kanal. Herzlichst Mario

Yuval Bibi, MD - The Rogue Dermatologist


The average cost of skincare over a lifetime is over $225,000! The average woman spends 55 minutes a day applying skincare, more than 2.5 years of her life! Many men are catching up fast. Here I provide a practical approach to skin that will literally save you an epic amount of those ridiculous figures. Stay tuned! This Rumble channel is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. Content published on this Rumble channel is for informational purposes only. Please consult a physician or other healthcare professional/s regarding any medical or health related issues, diagnosis or treatment options. Information on this Rumble channel should not be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional. Statements made about specific products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. I am the owner of Dr. Bibi Organics and stand to earn from sales of company skincare products. Yuval Bibi, MD/PhD - Board certified Dermatologist Buy my bestselling book: Sick Skin for an up close and personal look at the skincare industry: https://www.amazon.com/Sick-Skin-Skincare-Made-Simple-ebook/dp/B0CBSQN2KM/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2LD2CVZ6B7ITO&keywords=yuval+bibi&qid=1690063055&sprefix=yuval+bibi%2Caps%2C203&sr=8-1