In the twingkling of an eye, millions of people across the world vanish into thin air, resulting in highway catastrophes, plane crashes, utility breakdowns and more. Chaos reigns. With the stage set, a dictator emerges amid the chaos of carnage and war. He is none other than the Antichrist. For those left behind who were not a part of the vanishing, severe and horrible persecution become a part of their daily life for a grueling seven years. For those who servive, chaos, carnage and pain give way to the glorious return of Jesus Christ along with those who had vanished seven years before it all began. This is the Second Coming of Christ so clearly taught in the divinely inspired text that we call the Bible. For those ready for his return, eternal life awaits. For those not ready, judgment awaits. Are current signs in the world indicating that we are hurtling toward the momentous moment when millions will suddenly disappear and judgment sets in? The answer to this question is a resounding yes.

Outride The Darkness


Description I enjoy riding both bicycles and motorcycles. This channel is about sharing the positive experience of the journey, the scenery, and the adventure of it. I hope you can also enjoy the ride through this channel as I have enjoyed watching the ride of others and enjoy the ride on my own and with others. Road trip! Slightly paraphrased, Jesus said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never \'ride\' in darkness, but will have the light of life." In Japanese: イエスは言われた。わたしは、世の光です。わたしに従う者は、決してやみの中を \'乗る\' ことがなく、いのちの光を持つのです。 So, let us "Outride The Darkness." "闇を乗り切る" Subscribe: If you want to be notified when I have a new \'ride\' to watch, subscribe to this channel. Thank you.

Light And Darkness Meet

1 Follower

This channel is non-profit. The intention of this channel is education through the use of video visuals and music. Hopefully, this channel is effective in educating people about the reality and severity of suffering and darkness. Hopefully, this channel is also effective in educating people about the light that confronts this darkness, often head on. Specifically, this channel blends various visuals of suffering and darkness, with the Light that Christians have historically embraced in such times (represented by the audio of hymns and spiritual songs). This channel is intended to educate through art, to educate about history, the nature of reality, and hope in dark times. If you are going through a dark time, I personally bless you. I hope you can find peace and strength through this channel's artwork and other sources. email: lightanddarknessmeet@gmail.com