Fireside Chat With David James


Fireside Chat - A show with common sense thinking hosted by David James ( ). Today, David speaks his mind. Let’s think together and use our minds in the proper way they should be used…to think. The Archive for Fireside Chats is located here: My e-mail: Web: Web streaming: Telegram Chatgroup:



Dieser Kanal bringt bunt gemischte Videos. Vor allem christliche Inhalte. Aber auch Lieder, Videos von Fahrradtouren, Landschaftsbilder und Predigten. Wenn YouTube Werbung in manchen Videos einblendet, dann kann ich daran nichts ändern, tut mir leid, das kommt von YouTube! 📧Kontakt Email: ➾Ich habe drei Bücher geschrieben. Nur eines davon ist noch im Buchhandel: Mein Buch zur Schizophrenie, unter der ich lange gelitten habe, unter einem Pseudonym veröffentlicht: 📘Jacob Blackbird: Horror im Wolkenkuckucksheim 🙏🏻Soli Deo Gloria!✝️ 🗣️Röm 10,13: denn: »Jeder, der den Namen des Herrn anruft, wird gerettet werden«. ❤️Der Name des Herrn lautet: Jesus Christus!

Stone Coat Countertops


Welcome to Stone Coat Countertops, the ultimate DIY epoxy-based channel! We are here to save or make you money, inspire, and guide you on your journey to create stunning kitchen, bathroom, and floor projects, captivating resin art, and breathtaking designs, all while staying within your budget. Transform your old laminate, tile countertops, granite, marble, formica, concrete countertops, garage floors, commercial spaces, and showers into renewed works of resin art for pennies on the dollar! Whether you're a DIY enthusiast, contractor, renovator, designer, artist, or hobbyist, we have something for you. Our goal is to help you tackle your next makeover by providing step-by-step tutorials and free how-to videos. From concept to completion, we'll be there with you every step of the way.