ORiginal MUSIC from THEir ORiginal CITY (Out-of-Print | Bootlegs | Demos | Extras | Local) I grew up in Oregon City during the 90s when starting a rock band was just the thing to do. In the late 90s, while I was in high school, there seemed to be a show every weekend. I feel so fortunate to have witnessed so many amazing shows by some truebly talented bands. I believe the city itself, with its endless hills, hidden treasures, weirdos, & history played a significant role in the creativity and spirit of these bands. Clearly, there is something to be said about the close proximity to the ocean & rivers, the forest & mountains, Portland & Seattle, as well as the time in history and the privileges it afforded us. It may just be nostalgia, but I believe there was some true talent that came (and still comes) from this ORiginal CITY. These are out-of-print and rare recordings from that time, as well as some other various (live) recordings from artists who continue to create. Hear it all @ originalcityrecords.com

City of God, Inc.


Welcome to the City of God Rumble Channel, brought to you by the City of God, Inc., a private foundation that works to spread knowledge about The Blessed Virgin Mary and Her Causes. Two main apostolates we focus on are The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Movement and the Mystical City of God Chaplet. We hope to lead an army of souls closer to the one whom God ordained to lead us into battle against Satan in these end times, namely the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is the Mystical City of God.

King David - City Of Saints


Hello guys and thank you for stopping by. My name is King David... and I'm here just to share with you my video gameplays and noting much. Added to that we are also going to have livestreams and much more. More to that I'll gladly appreciate all the support you offer by SUBSCRIBING, LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT. All links to my social media accounts are found in the description of all my videos, please do check it out and follow me so you get updated all the time. THANK YOU.