The Deep State Cabal Criminal Syndicate


This collection of videos provides some in-depth information about the deep state people who are destroying the world, such as the Rockefellers, The Rothchilds, etc. It will also include videos about their involvement in global financial operations, causing recessions and the great depression via the Federal Reserve and their Central Banks. These criminal families have trillions upon trillions of dollars from us by forcing us to pay taxes, without representation, which is usury, illegal and against our Constitution. They are doing anything and everything they can to form a one world government, where they are the kings and queens, and we are the useless eaters. They are involved in global atrocities such as crimes against humanity, corruption, blackmailing, poisoning our food and water, destroying our food via GMOs, You name it; they've done it simply to enslave the world's population, using government puppets to break our Constitution, using BigTech to censor us, and using BigPharm to disable and genocide us. The world would be so much better off without them. NOTE: To date, all of President Trump's promises have come to fruition. Believe it when he often states, "The best is yet to come." God is bringing satan's darkness into His light, because nothing can stop what is coming! and Where we go one, we go all. Stay vigilant Patriots, keep the faith and be at peace. Pray for your whole armor of protection from Ephesians 6-10. The Lord always wins. God bless you and yours abundantly! #NCSWIS #WWG1WGA #Q #ANON If you want to do some interesting reading, check out my articles and opinions on Gab:;;

Casa do JP


Olá, seja bem vindo ao meu canal. Aqui você terá assuntos relevantes e que possa agregar a cada um de vocês. Falaremos de diversas coisas, como dicas para entregadores de aplicativos, dicas de culinária, dicas de bíblias que estão sendo lançadas ou já lançadas que são importantes mas ainda quase ninguém conhece, assim como dicas de livros cristãos que serão relevantes para sua vida espiritual e física. Também temos paixão por plantas e vou dar dicas de como você ter um pequeno jardim ou horta em sua casa ou apartamento, ensinando você a ter uma planta em um pequeno, médio ou grande vaso e de como cuida-la com muita facilidade. Estarei mostrando meu pequeno jardim no quintal de minha casa, com várias plantas frutíferas e medicinais. Esperem que gostem do canal Casa do JP. Sejam Bem Vindos ao canal Casa do JP!!

Intro to "Its a Mad Mad Homestead" showing new Kubota L3650 HSTC Cab


There is something comforting about finally realizing that the benefits outweigh the costs of something like this when doing the kind of work that isn’t as easy to do any more, or even possibly never was able to be done at all. I can’t believe I waited so long...Some of the attachments purchased in the last 6 months are interspersed in the video. We will offer up additional info on decision making and pricing, issues, maintenance, and adding features shortly in new videos.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n2019 Kubota L3560 Special Edition with Cab HSTC Trans\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nNew this year in July- Mid pandemic purchase... \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n37HP \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nBH92 Backhoe\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nLandpride 72" Grapple SGC1072\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nThird Function Valve\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nLA 805 Loader with Spill Guard\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nTitan 3600 Forks\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nTitan Implements 54" Fork Mount Work Platform\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nTitan 72" Rear 3PT Heavy Duty Back Blade\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nTitan Implements Quick Attach to 3 Point Trailer Hitch\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nHD 72" Round Back Bucket\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n3PT Post Hole with 10" Auger

Cardiff Cabaret Club


Cardiff Cabaret Club is a production company and community dance group devised and lead by performer, choreographer and artistic director Foo Foo Labelle. Foo Foo Labelle workshops and classes are open to ladies of all ages and backgrounds, those who are ready (and willing)! become an eclectic band of showgirls you see in our productions. As a Troupe dances, a duet or even a soloist, Some of our members have gone on to become award-winning cabaret performers. The shows have gone from strength to strength under Foo Foo Labelle including comedians, guests performers, musicians, bands, poets and variety performers. We are able to create fabulous shows for all venues, seasons and tastes.