A Badge of Honor TV Verified


Former Secret Service LEO Samantha Horwitz and former NYPD Detective John Salerno host A Badge of Honor Podcast to highlight Post Traumatic Stress Injury recovery, wellness, and resiliency possible through training and support. Their organization by the same name works with police department mental health liasons and critical incidence management teams to provide workshops that are pivotal to successful lives and families in our communities. Call 469-232-7894 or go to ABadgeOfHonor.org to start a workshop or sponsor an officer in your hometown!

WHO Whistleblower: Depopulation, Total Control, Perpetual Fear and Injections. See also the Playlists. Verified


Dr Astrid Stuckelberger WHO Whistleblower:Depopulation, Total Control, Perpetual Fear and Injections. Original video https://www.bitchute.com/video/130Y4GNy5sjZ/ ----------------------------------------------------------- TIP: To GO TO the hyperlink TEXT below SELECT the hyperlink text RIGHT CLICK the selected text for action menu Click Goto ( the hyperlink text ) ----------------------------------------------------------- All Larry Lamprey Rumble Channels ----------------------------------------------------------- Andrew Bridgen Interview - https://rumble.com/c/c-7384066 ----------------------------------------------------------- Amazement - https://rumble.com/c/c-7377151 ----------------------------------------------------------- Common Law (Land) - https://rumble.com/c/c-7372846 ----------------------------------------------------------- Dave Allen On Life - https://rumble.com/c/c-7379746 ----------------------------------------------------------- The Fall Of The Cabal - https://rumble.com/c/c-7407001 ----------------------------------------------------------- Gatfer (Music Videos) - https://rumble.com/c/c-4962265 ----------------------------------------------------------- North Devon UK - https://rumble.com/c/c-7340626 ----------------------------------------------------------- Sovereign Natural Empowerment - https://rumble.com/c/c-7367671 ----------------------------------------------------------- Warnings For Humanity - https://rumble.com/c/c-7362346 ----------------------------------------------------------- WHO Whistleblower - https://rumble.com/c/c-7368796 ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- North Devon UK website - https://www.northdevonuk.co.uk/NDevonLinks.php -----------------------------------------------------------

Bible Reading Fellowship


Sharing the good news of salvation across 135 cities in 99 countries and growing, we purpose to obey the command of יהושע, YAHSHUA HAMASHIACH, as written in Matthew 28:19-20: "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Ruach HaKodesh: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen." With each subscription and like, you are partnering with us together to bring the good news of salvation and sharing your joy with our fellow brothers and sisters around the world as יהשוה commanded us. May יהוה‎ (YAHAYAH) bless you, and keep you. May יהוה‎ make his face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you. May יהוה‎ lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.

Vrumbler/Vtuber who send the season to the world. and have a cutest side face Verified


Why don't you come to get the best healing in your life like a flower that blooms when I close my eyes? for my name I write "winter and spring" and read it "puharu" and "summer and autumn" and read it "Kaaki". Kacho Fugetsu, 4 seasons, the Dolls that control the seasons of the world A new doll that changes its appearance with your voice ?? Nurturing creative doll I want to be a V-river mom! Always recruiting souls / AZ-Doll model (live2d), standing pictures, characters, scenarios, etc. are being recruited! Please ask it via distribution or DM. AZ-doll is the latest doll that gradually changes from a doll-like appearance dur to followers. The evolving fate of these dolls is up to you. The more people know me the more I evolve. #AZDoll favorite mark 🔳🔲 Live Tag #PuKalive Fan Name #seekers Fan Art #Pukaart

Holy Bible - Order of Events


It is my hope that you will want to grow spiritually by listening to the Word of God on Rumble. This playlist is a resource to help you in your pursuit of the knowledge of Yahweh Elohim (the LORD God). Follow along as the chronological order of events in Scripture unfold. May you be blessed and may you bear fruit--thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold. Gen. "In the beginning" 1-11; Job; Gen.12-50; Ex. "Now these are the names"; Lev. "And He called"; Num. "In the wilderness" 1-14; Psalm "Praises" 90; Num.15-36; Deu. "These are the words"; Josh.; Judg "Deliverers or Saviors"; Ruth; 1 Sam.1-19:11 (Ps.59), 1 Sam. 20-21:7 (Ps.52), 1 Sam.21:11 (Ps.56), 1 Sam.21:13 (Ps.34), 1 Sam.22:1 (Ps.57; 142), 1 Sam.23:19 (Ps.54), 1 Sam.24-31; 2 Sam.1-6:20 (Ps.30), 2 Sam.7-8:13 (Ps.60), 2 Sam.9-12:1 (Ps.51; 32), 2 Sam.13-15:16 (Ps.3; 63), 2 Sam.16:8 (Ps.7), 2 Sam.17-22:1 (Ps.18), 2 Sam.23-24; 1 Kin.1-2 (Ps. 72; Song of Solomon "Song of Songs"), 1 Kin.3-4:31 (Ps.88), 1 Kin.4:32 (Proverbs of Solomon), 1 Kin.5-11 (Ps. 127; Eccl. "Qoheleth, One who calls or gathers"), 1 Kin.12:16 (Ps.89) 1 Kin.13-22; 2 Kin.1-8:24 (Obadiah "servant of Yahweh"), 2 Kin.9-12:21 (Joel "Yahweh is El" or "The LORD is God"), 2 Kin.13-14 (Jonah "dove"; Amos "burden" or "burden-bearer"; Hosea "salvation"), 2 Kin.15 (Isaiah "Yahweh is salvation" 1-16), 2 Kin.16 (Is.17-35), 2 Kin.17-18 (Micah "Who is like Yahweh"; Is.36), 2 Kin.19 (Is.37), 2 Kin.20 (Is.38-66), 2 Kin.21 (Nahum "comfort" or "consolation"), 2 Kin.21:24 (Zephaniah "Yah hides"), 2 Kin.22:14 (Jeremiah "Yah will throw"1-19), 2 Kin.23 (Habakkuk "one who embraces"), 2 Kin.23:36 [Jer.26,25,35,36,45,46], 2 Kin.24:1 (Daniel "God is my Judge" 1-4), 2 Kin.24:12 [Jer.24,49], 2 Kin.24:14 (Ezekiel "strengthened by God" 1-12), 2 Kin.24:17 (Jer.20-23,27-34,37-38), 2 Kin.25 (Jer.39,[Lamentations, ekah, "dismay" 1-5], Jer.40-44,47-48,50-51; Ezek.13-25,[29:1-16],26-28,30-31), 2 Kin.25:25 (Ezek.[33,32],34-40,[29:17-21],41-48), 2 Kin.25:27 (Jer.[52]; Dan.[7,8,5,11,9,6]), Ezra "Yahweh helps" 1-3,[Dan.10,12], Ezra4 (Haggai "festal one"; Zechariah "The Lord remembers" 1-8), Ezra5-6 (Zech.9-14), Esther, Hadassah "myrtle", Ezra7-10, Nehemiah "Yahweh helps"1-12 [Malachi "my messenger" or "the Lord's messenger" 1-4], Neh.13, 1 Chro. "The annals of the days"1-6:39 (Ps.50),1 Chro.7-10,[12],11,13-29, 2 Chro.1-36, Ps. "Praises" 1-150, Matthew "gift of the Lord", Mark, Luke, John, Acts "The Acts of the Holy Spirit through the Apostles" 1-15 (James 1-5), Acts 16 (Galatians 1-6), Acts 17 (1 Thessalonians 1-5; 2 Thessalonians 1-3), Acts 18 (1 Corinthians 1-16; 2 Corinthians 1-13), Acts 19:21 (Romans), Acts 20-24:27 (Colossians 1-4; Ephesians 1-6; Philippians 1-4; Philemon), Acts 25-28, 1 Timothy "one who honors God", Titus, 1 Peter Greek, Cephas Aramaic, "stone" or "rock"; 2 Tim., 2 Pet., Heb., Jude, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Revelation, Gr. apokalupsis, "an uncovering," "an unveiling," or "a disclosure". Artwork by Robert S. Lee, Abstract Hope Abstract Prayer Abstract Hope III Abstract Prayer II Abstract Hope II Abstract Prayer III Abstract Hope IV Abstract Prayer IV #Genesis,#Job,#Exodus,#Numbers,#Leviticus,Deuteronomy,#Joshua,#Judges,#Ruth,#Samuel,#Song,#Proverbs,#Ecclesiastes,#Kings,#Obadiah,#Joel,#Jonah,#Amos,#Hosea,#Isaiah,#Micah,#Nahum,#Zephaniah,#Jeremiah,#Habakkuk,#Daniel,#Ezekiel,#Lamentations,#Ezra,#Haggai,#Zechariah,#Esther,#Nehemiah,#Malachi,#Chronicles,#Psalms,#Matthew,#Mark,#Luke,#John,#Acts,#James,#Galatians,#Thessalonians,#Corinthians,#Colossians,#Ephesians,#Philippians,#Philemon,#Romans,#Timothy,#Titus,#Peter,#Hebrews,#Jude,#Revelation,#Holy,#Bible

Alex Beldi


HELPING WILDLIFE AROUND THE WORLD 🌎 Hi, A Warm Thank You 💚 for visiting this Channel. I am a Servant of Mother Nature and Wildlife Photographer, FilmMaker, Conservationist and Aida Freediving Instructor. I have been passionate about photography since 2007. I dedicated the last years doing various expeditions to document wildlife living in their natural habitat around the world🌎🐘🐆🐒🌱💫 Through the content I will be sharing with you, i'm trying to reflect the wonder of nature and to convey the beauty of these species and the place they have in our world but also sharing personal opinions, facts, news and amazing places and cultures I had the privilege to meet during these years. I hope you will enjoy, much love 💙



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