First Fruits Ministries


First Fruits Ministries is a Judeo-Christian Messianic Ministry that meets every Saturday from 10 to 4 p.m. at 60 Bailey Ave, Manchester, NH 03104. First Fruits Ministries also presents a monthly Bible study on the last Tuesday of the month from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at 131 Amory St., Manchester, NH 03102 or on Zoom ( sign up to join us ). Visit for more information. On behalf of First Fruits Ministries and in service to Yeshua HaMashiach, I am humbly at your service if you need help learning more about God's Word, one of our studies, or any other matter in your relationship with Yeshua. First Fruits Ministries derives its name from 1 Corinthians 15:20 -23: "But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. But each one in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who are Christ’s at His coming." First Fruits Ministries is an affiliate of Corner Fringe Ministries , which are two different ministries, united in Yeshua. Location Pastor Andrew J. Manuse is guided in Christ and discipleship under the counsel of Corner Fringe Ministries Pastor Daniel Joseph, whose church is located in Coon Rapids, Minnesota.

Israel First TV Programme


Israel First TV Programme focuses on News, Interviews and Features from Israel together with teaching from a Hebraic perspective. The Programme is presented by Martin and Nathalie Blackham from the Israel First TV Studios In Jerusalem, Israel. It is broadcast every Friday on Angel TV Network via Satellite on the following channels: Australia, Far East, Hebrew, Portuguese, Spanish and America. It is also broadcast on GLC TV Network, Israel TV Network and Son Broadcasting TV Network.\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nMartin and Nathalie Blackham have been presenting TV Programmes featuring news and features about Israel since 2004 on Revelation TV, Inspiration Network TV, FaithGlobe TV, Faith TV and CWeb TV. Israel First TV Programme is their current show which has been broadcast on Angel TV since 2016, on GLC TV Network and Israel TV Network since 2018 and on Son Broadcasting TV Network since 2019. Discover the land, the people and the language through interviews and current events in the land of Israel.

First Things THRST Verified


‘First Things THRST’ is a weekly masterclass that explores the secrets and experiences of entrepreneurs and content creators from across the globe. Each episode is unfiltered and guided by the premise of leaving no stone unturned, which is accountable for the deep discussions into the backgrounds, hardships and confessions of my guests. My goal is simple, to share insights and fresh perspectives on topics like entrepreneurship, success and fitness. Join me on this exciting adventure, and I'm hoping you gain as much from these discussions as I do.



Welcome to MirageLive. Gameplay focused livestreams, let's plays, multiplayer sessions, and more. If I'm playin' chances are I'm streaming it. Live whenever I play. No set schedule. The best way to know when I'm going live is by following me on X! Link below or you can copy this link: I post every time I go live! FAQ's: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why don't you use a webcam on your livestreams? My livestreams are gameplay focused livestreams. I don't use a webcam because it takes away from the immersion, story telling, and gameplay the games I play offer. *If you wanna see what I look like, check out my podcast 'What Real People Think' hosted right here on Rumble. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why don't you talk a lot? Just not my style. I'm a quite dude. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you read chat? Sometimes, but I'm usually focused on the game I'm playing. Please don't take it personally <3 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Who makes your graphics? I do. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why did you start livestreaming? Because I really enjoy the atmosphere of livestreaming. Livestreaming lets me broadcast my favorite games to the world and maybe inspire viewers to play them if they haven't. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why aren't your streams longer? I typically try to stream 1.5-2hrs per session to make the VODS easier to view if people missed the livestream. Secondly, I'm a busy guy and oftentimes that's all the time I had for that day. Finally, I realize that the average person doesn't have time to sit there watching me play video games for 8 hours straight nor would I expect them to. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ About Mirage Mirage has been in the industry for a long time and has shared his passion of videos games with the world through countless medias over the years, including his well-known gaming blog (retired), multiple podcasts, guest features, as well as multiple successful gaming channels.

Živ Čovek Miran Rubin


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First We Feast


HOT ONES For every question that they field from host Sean Evans, guests must join him in eating a progressively spicy chicken wing. HEAT EATERS In this ultimate spicy food adventure, chef Esther Choi hits the streets to eat her way through the world's spiciest cuisines, and gain a deeper appreciation for the chili pepper. TACOS CON TODO Stand-up comedian Jesus Trejo interviews the world’s funniest comedians while searching for the best tacos in SoCal. PIZZA WARS Nicole Russell will go head-to-head with the city’s most respected chefs and Internet personalities, competing in a new pizza-themed competition weekly. THE BURGER SHOW The Burger Show explores modern burger culture through the eyes of chef Alvin Cailan. BURGER SCHOLAR SESSIONS Burger Scholar George Motz gives a master class on regional burger styles, teaching viewers essential techniques and burger history. SNACKED Celebrities break down their favorite snacks that are near and dear to their hearts.