覚醒|Awakening Channel



Slave Mind Awakening


In a world where censorship tightens its grip on social platforms, the quest for unfiltered truth becomes ever more vital. We must unite, maintain our connections, and stand against the forces trying to disconnect us from reality. Chaos reigns, corruption looms, and many Western governments veer towards authoritarianism. The battle for free speech is a battle for our very essence. It's a war between light and darkness, and you're a part of it. Your choices are stark: yield and consign your lineage to servitude, or rise and wage a war for liberty and the future of humanity.

Awakening Action Class


he Awakening Action Class is an online curriculum exploring the Truth of America’s undeniable connection to Great Moves of God. The First and Second Great Awakenings birthed this Land That We Love and preserved our union while upholding our sacred founding value of All Men Created Equal. We believe we are in a Third Great Awakening that is restoring our identity as one sovereign nation under God and that every American is essential to its success. Our class offers more than 15 action steps that, when taken, will preserve our nation’s remarkable legacy of freedom for generations to come.

Awakening Out Loud


I'm Michelle Sorro, an LA-based truth seeker, transformation guide, and host of Fire & Soul, a top-ranked podcast in self-development since 2018 that I've only shared via audio until now. Nice to finally *see* you. In 2021, I experienced a profound awakening that dropped me to my knees. Death. Rebirth. Maybe that's you right now. I pivoted the Fire and Soul podcast to support the waves of awakenings happening worldwide with the needed tools, knowledge and practices from the most respected, self-actualized luminaries on this planet. What to expect? Completely raw, unfiltered conversations about the path of spiritual awakening, divine law, self-love, the evolution in human consciousness, multidimensional self-awareness, frequency healing, angels + aliens, diverse spiritual rituals, channeling, and conscious entrepreneurship. My passion and purpose is to awaken humanity to the awareness of our divine power and collective destiny. Let's journey!

The Awakened Hybrd


Hey folks! This is a community I wanted to put together to help other like-minded spiritually awakened hybrids to converge. As I progress further with my newfound esoteric knowledge and spiritual awareness, I will be sharing as I go. You can also signup for my newsletter on my website at: https://TheAwakenedHybrid.com. Thanks for joining and allowing me to share my spiritual journey with y'all! Remember to increase your consciousness and let your love light shine!

Ancient Roots Awakening


Where the ancient path leads, transformation follows. This channel explores the teachings, rituals, folklore, and spiritual practices of Norse, Celtic, Pagan and early Christian cultures, offering insights into their connection with nature, the cosmos, and the human spirit. Whether you're seeking to embrace the old ways in your daily life or simply curious about these rich traditions, this channel is your lantern on the path to deeper understanding. Also, Immerse yourself in the sounds of the past. Explore the enchanting world of ancient music inspired by Norse, Celtic, and Pagan traditions. Through haunting melodies, rhythmic drumming, and ethereal vocals, reconnect with the spiritual essence of our ancestors. Thank you for watching! If you like the content, please follow for more.

Your Awakening Matters


Are you ready to look beyond fear, false narratives, and limiting beliefs? As politics and pandemics bring division, fear, and uncertainty about our future, humankind is experiencing existential growing pains in rising to the new earth reality of the 5th dimension. While The Great Awakening is in full swing, fear-based programming still controls the narrative while human consciousness remains stuck in the restricted views of 3D reality. Transformational Author Shannon MacDonald weaves her life experience as a registered nurse and spiritual medium with paradigm-shattering messages and forgotten truths from higher dimensions, angelic realms, and Divine Consciousness. Her purpose is to help humanity shift from fear, illusion, and limitation-based 3D reality, into love, truth, and liberation-based 5D Unified Field Consciousness. Shannon’s spiritual, metaphysical, new age, and self-help books include I Am She, New Earth Rising, Mastering Manifestation, and The No News Diet. Her FREE eBook, How to Find Inner Peace, may be downloaded online at www.ShannonMacDonaldBooks.com Shannon’s unique brand of heart-centered services are offered internationally to those seeking healing and true transformation. Her distinctive experience and abilities have helped thousands of people reconnect with their hearts and heal in profound and unexpected ways. Her services include Spiritual Healing, Divine Feminine Life Guidance, and Ascension Code Activations. *************************************** Divine inspiration to support your awakening, raise your vibration and rise to your infinite potential! https://yourawakeningmatters.com Explore Shannon’s heart-centered services, events, and transformational books on her website: www.DivinitySpeaks.com www.ShannonMacDonaldBooks.com Follow love not fear, #TheGreatAwakening begins here!

Awakening of the Conquering Bride Church


These video messages are preached prophetically to awaken local assemblies across the United States, Canada, and throughout the world. Thiis is in order to bring far more than revival. It is the call for a new order in local assemblies to not limit the fulness of the headship of Jesus Christ from inhabiting their local gatherings of worship. The theme or message is most often received by the casting of lot before the LORD with great reverence using two independent random Bible applications. This is done to receive the possiblity of any two chapters from Bible that bear witness with each other as to the theme or message. I mediate on the two chapters for only a half an hour and then preach most often immediately or sometime later in the day. The worship song chosen in the video is also most often chosen the same way from over 1257 worship songs. The messages are preached out of a heart-set and mind-set of worship in order to speak prophetically as stated in Revelation 19:10. 1 Peter 4:11 states, " if any man speak let him speak as the oracles of God."