Nosso canal tem o proposito de trazer informações para que possamos ter o despertar do nosso espirito. Jesus vem! Apocalipse 22 7-"Eis que venho em breve! Feliz é aquele que guarda as palavras da profecia deste livro". 12-"Eis que venho em breve! A minha recompensa está comigo, e eu retribuirei a cada um de acordo com o que fez. 17-O Espírito e a noiva dizem: "Vem!" E todo aquele que ouvir diga: "Vem!" Quem tiver sede venha; e quem quiser beba de graça da água da vida. 20-Aquele que dá testemunho destas coisas diz: "Sim, venho em breve!" Amém. Vem, Senhor Jesus! 21-A graça do Senhor Jesus seja com todos. Amém.

The Radicalized Libertarian


Constitutionalist, libertarian, Randian Objectivist, Anti-Authoritarian, Secular Deist, US Army Veteran (First Team), Former federal security contractor, former reserve peace officer, former training NCO with Texas Constitutional Militia, and former aircraft owner and pilot. Dabbled for years in legal studies, pharmacology, and veterinary medicine. A philosopher, constitutional scholar, historian, soldier, currently active wildlife rehabilitator, veterinary consultant/educator, constitutional revolutionary, oppositionally defiant general political troublemaker, and a drone operator.

California Freedom Alliance


The California Freedom Alliance was made to protect Californians God Given Rights. Its goal is to make the people of California Free. The alliance will combat any Totalitarian mandates coming from Washington DC and the State Government. California Freedom Alliance is Pro Life and supports the United States Constitution first 10 amendments. The Alliance will work to protect the rights to Life, Liberty and Happiness. Please join the alliance to help further these goals. Here is the alliance Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7i7r29bTwraAJiAtpyKbKw Please subscribe to it. Also, please join our facebook group and are alternative media such as Gab, Bitchute Parler, Ugetube and minds.com. You can join our email malling list for events by writing californiafreedomalliance@gmail.com For more information please check out californiafreedomalliance.com God Bless!

Guarilaque Cali


Siguenos amante de la música y Encuéntranos como Guarilaque Cali en todas nuestras redes sociales Facebook, instagram, canal de youtube y nuestras listas Spotify recomendada!! Click en el enlace para conexión directa!! . https://linktr.ee/guarilaquecali . Canal dedicado a resaltar la cultura de la música, datos curiosos de los artistas preferidos en salsa, vallenato y música popular, plasmamos la frase de tu canción favorita en tus camisetas, para que ahora luzcas tus canciones favoritas!!!! Síguenos en todas la redes sociales.