Buzz Stone's AirWaves, All Things Radio


Everything Radio and Communications in General. We strive to make technology understandable for the general public. Tune in for info on popular topics like; HAM Radio, Shortwave, CB Radio, Commercial AM/FM Broadcasting, Internet Radio, Tactical Communications, and some fun stories from my 20 plus years in radio broadcasting. You\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ll also find "How To" videos for beginners, new product reviews, and interviews with experts in their field. All in an entertaining format.

All Things Crime


All Things Crime is a new, comprehensive video series that will explore every aspect of crime and the ensuing investigation, one video interview at a time. The host, Jared Bradley, is the President of M-Vac Systems, which is a wet-vacuum based forensic DNA collection system, and has experience traveling the world training all levels of law enforcement and crime lab DNA analysts in using the M-Vac to help solve crime. Along the way he has met people from all walks of life and experience in investigating crimes, so is putting that knowledge to use in another way by sharing it in these videos. If you are interested in more videos about the M-Vac, DNA and investigations, also check out the M-Vac's channel @

Winner Take All Podcast Verified


Applico is the leader in all things platforms. Our ground-breaking show, Winner Take All, provides the insider point-of-view on what’s really happening with large tech monopolies. Hosted by Alex Moazed, co-author of Modern Monopolies. Applico empowers the community of industry leaders at large, traditional enterprises to fight back against big tech monopolies and win. By working alongside C-suites and Boards as operating partners, Applico helps incumbents spin-out their own platform business to beat big tech at its own game. Disclosure: WisdomTree licensed Applico’s Platform Insights product to create the world’s first platform business index, PLAT.

All My Favorite People Podcast


Hey new friends, it's me Brittney otherwise known as LifeJesusStyle! Join me and some of my freethinking friends as we engage in Christ centered, crunchy, and conservative conversations that actually make a difference. I'm here to help other Believers navigate today's world, deepen their faith, and find their voice. Thanks for watching! Brittney Jones is a Conservative health freedom and parental rights advocate and activist in Orlando, Florida. She is the co-founder of Florida Christian Patriots, a group that activates local Christians into politics and advocates for Biblically aligned legislation. She sits on the Executive Board for Florida Freedom Keepers, which advocates for medical freedom and informed consent with gentle messaging, focusing on community and education. Brittney is a mom of three boys, ages 20, 14, and 9. She was single mom from the age of 20 until 25 when she met and married her husband. Their youngest son is vaccine injured and on the autism spectrum. This realization was a wake up call for Brittney, and in 2018 she began looking into our food and pharma. As an SA, DV, and cPTSD survivor, Brittney shines the light of Jesus into the darkest seasons of her life through these conversations with the hopes that those who listen will know they are not alone, and that their hope can come from Christ alone. Her weekly long-form podcast, All My Favorite People, focuses on sharing stories from people who are overcomers, awakening the Church for such time as this. You'll hear from pastors, authors, advocates, and regular people just like you and me who are all part of the remnant rising to #wakethechurchup. Follow the podcast on Instagram @allmyfavoritepeoplepodcast & Brittney's personal account @lifejesusstyle or by checking out #lifejesusstyle on social media.

Easy Guitar Lessons


The purpose of this channel "was" to be able to teach my granddaughter how to play and "enjoy" guitar/music as quickly as possible. Teaching her complete songs should could learn and play in short order while going back to learn the taunting task of learning music theory; something I never learned. It was to be a private channel but my wife said I should make it public as there would be other children that could not afford a private instructor, thus the purpose of this channel. I will continue to post (as my health and ability allows) short, to the point videos of complete songs to get you up and playing guitar as soon as possible. I will not be taking up your valuable time with silly chit chat and shameless self promotion...we will stick to learning guitar. I hope you find the information helpful. Rock Until U Die- Grandpa Allen * This video features materials protected by the Fair Use guidelines of Section 107 of the Copyright Act. All rights reserved to the copyright owners.