The Rich Dad Podcasts


Rich dad said, “A business needs both a spiritual and a business mission to be successful, especially at the beginning.” Rich dad chose the words “spiritual” and “business.” He said, “Many people start a business only to make money. Just to make money is not a strong enough mission. Money alone does not provide enough fire, drive, or desire. The mission of a business should fill a need that the customers want. And if it fills that need, and fills it well, the business will begin to make money.” The Rich Dad Company has the following mission: “To elevate the financial well-being of humanity.” By being clear and true to the dual spiritual and business mission of this company, we have enjoyed great success. By being clear on our mission, we attract individuals and other groups aligned with a similar mission. Some people call it luck. I call it being true to our mission.

Quran: Arabic and English translation and transliteration


Welcome to " The Quran Channel" *قناة القرآن الكريم* Arabic and English translation and transliteration of the Holy Quran (Subtitled) and much more, to help Muslims and non-Muslims learn what Islam is really about. Please share this content, help someone to understand much more about Islam and Allah will help you. Don't forget to like, and subscribe for regular updates on our latest releases and playlists. Thank you for listening🫶🏼 #quran #islam #quran #arabic #english #subtitle #subtitled #meaning #translation #transliteration #muslim #quranchannel #muslimchannel #prophet #prophetmuhammad #ramadan #ramadankarim #qur'an #themessageofthequran

Dad Gamer Club


Hi! I'm a Dad Gamer and Casual sharing my experiences in RPGs and MMOs. I've been playing RPGs and FPS games for decades. My first game was Super Mario Bros. and Duckhunt back in ye-olde NES days. Followed that up with The Legend of Zelda and platform games for nearly a decade. In the 90s, I was introduced to RPGs via a little game called Harvest Moon. That peaked my interest into RPGs, although didn't solidify my love for them. It wasn't until Final Fantasy 7 that my switch to RPGs was complete. I fell in love with that game and it continues to be my favorite game to this day. My love of the game led to me becoming a relatively devoted fan of Squaresoft, Square and Square Enix RPGs playing the following FF games from that point on. This led me to my second love, World of Warcraft. My experiences with WoW began playing off my brother's account. This eventually led to me having my own account during Warlords of Draenor. I've been hooked ever since.

Sarah Adamson, Psychic Medium


Hi! My name is Sarah, a coffee-drinking Tea Leaf Reader, Psychic Medium, Usui Reiki Master/Teacher I do offer private readings! If you would like to schedule a reading, kindly email me or visit my website contact page. Thank you! I began publicly reading in 2010, first tea leaf readings & then also psychic medium readings. I strive to live following Divine guidance & now feel the need to share this content. My intention is to offer help & insight by sharing (tea leaf) readings, discussions & more based on current energies & related topics. Thank you for joining me for this journey together! PLEASE NOTE *These readings are general so you may find they somewhat apply to you or not at all My Videos are *For entertainment purposes only & NOT intended to replace ANY form of advice or treatment. Always consult professionals as needed *NOT intended as factual *NOT a decision-making replacement. If you watch my videos I am not responsible for your thoughts/actions in ANY way/area of life.

المجتمع المبدع


المجتمع الأخلاقي مشروع البشرية جمعاء ، مما يجعل من الممكن في أقصر وقت ممكن إخراج حضارتنا بسلام الى مرحلة جديدة من التطور التطوري. في أقصر وقت ممكن. الهدف الرئيسي من هذا المشروع هو بناء المجتمع الأخلاقي في جميع أنحاء العالم حيث تكون الحياة البشرية اعلى قيمة. أهداف المشروع: لتهيئة الظروف لبناء مجتمع خلاق على الكوكب بأسره بالوسائل السلمية. أن نسأل الناس في جميع أنحاء العالم عما إذا كانوا يريدون العيش في مجتمع إخلاقي ، وكيف يتخيلون ذلك. لتوفير منصة لمناقشة عالمية ودولية ومفتوحة لمفهوم ونموذج المجتمع الإخلاقي في جميع مجالات الحياة البشرية. إيجاد طرق جديدة لتوحيد البشرية جمعاء وتهيئة الظروف للمشاركة الفعالة لكل شخص في حياة المجتمع ، بغض النظر عن الوضع الاجتماعي أو الدين أو الجنسية.