Chad Gracey Live


I am Chad Gracey, the original drummer and co-founder of the band LĪVE. I have set up this channel for people and fans that enjoy my drumming with the band. I will upload content as much as I can. Please tell your friends and thank you for watching! You can also find me on my podcast with John Rotolo called The Gracious Two. See link below. #thegracioustwo #drums #drummer #drummersofinstagram #drummersofyoutube #freaks4live #dwdrums #zildjian #promarksticks #evansdrumheads #cantbeatme #chadgracey #chadgraceyhateshashtags



Other channels to watch my content Survival! Adventure!... Finding simplicity in nature and utilizing simplicity for a better life and better health. Follow me as I explore this amazing natural world we live in. I will take you to amazingly beautiful places, many of which few people know. I seek to unveil the ancient mysteries of health through a indigenous-based diet utilizing the many wild edible plants and simple animal products. I test my body's ability to endure long hike's in different climates and terrains, to sleep in unusual places, to eat what I find, to endure 1000 insect bites. This channel will grow as I continue to explore and seek answers.