WatchOut News


I'm writing about politics and with the articles I supply background information as much as possible, while history and videos are also very important elements of my personal activism. I believe in freedom and freedom of speech and expression, but most of the videos provided here are banned by the liberal social networks. I'm an "outside the box thinker" Global politics are very important for me because of the conflicts which I’ve seen not only in my native country (and many others). It was only after having spent years in the USA , fighting in the Middle East and joining forces with NATO and the UN, that I turned to activism. No, not the “street activism” but the “written activism” with well-founded reports and opinions based on facts. Both NATO and UN supposedly are “working towards peace” but they’ve never been close to solving issues on earth such as terrorism or lasting peace - you know what? These same NATO and UN are even responsible for all kinds of not-so nice wars. “It’s better to walk alone than with a crowd going in the wrong direction” You can visit my blog here: Watchdog News

The Twist News featuring Erika Grey and Don Pravda


A News Talk Show Providing Bold Insightful Commentary on World Political Events with Erika Grey and Don Pravda. By educating the public from an international perspective and highlighting overlooked and undereported news, the Twist challenges the status quo enroute to a better world. Their broadcast provides a unique refreshing, innovative approach to the news arena. Erika Grey, an Evangelical Christian author who is an acclaimed international journalist and geopolitical analyst, has teamed up with Don Pravda, an influential Jewish leader and U.S. political insider, to provide honest commentary on unfolding items in the news. Provocative. Insightful. Relevant. Timely. Whether you are looking for a fresh perspective on the crisis in Ukraine or wondering how the EU just stepped up as a world power, Erika and Don bring unparalleled depth and breadth to an analysis that is uniquely aligned with both Christian and Jewish thought. #israel #news #evangelical #europe #jewish #breakingnews #politics

Momento en Cristo - Poderosos Salmos y Oraciones


Momento en Cristo - Poderosos Salmos y Oraciones El canal nació para llevar la palabra del Señor a los lugares más remotos de nuestro planeta. Esperamos que esta herramienta te acerque a Dios. ¡No pierdas el tiempo, suscríbete al canal y sé bendecido hoy! El SEÑOR es mi pastor, nada me faltará. En verdes pastos me hace descansar, me conduce mansamente a aguas de reposo. Refresca mi alma; guíame por sendas de justicia por amor de su nombre. Aunque ande en valle de sombra de muerte, no temeré mal alguno, porque tú estarás conmigo; tu vara y tu cayado me confortan. Salmos 23:1-6 NUEVOS VIDEOS LOS LUNES/MIÉRCOLES Y VIERNES A LAS 6:30 AM Y 6:30 PM Contribuya cualquier cantidad al canal, haga clic en el enlace a continuación. 👉 Envía este video a más de 10 personas ✅ Suscríbete al Canal y Activa las Notificaciones ❤️ Haz tu Solicitud de Video en los Comentarios 👉Canal de oración.