Coach Lockey


Hello Everyone, I am Coach Lockey PGA Golf Professional and welcome to my Golf Rumble Channel. My channel will include videos on Golf Coaching, Golf Course Vlogs, Golf Challenges, Golf Entertainment, Golf Fun and pretty much everything else golf. All my Rumble videos are free to watch, if you enjoy the content please feel free to subscribe to the channel so I can help you enjoy your down time, plus help you with your golf game as much as possible. Welcome to the Lockey Army!

Soul Clarity Coaching


Akashic Records Specialist, Financial Alchemist, and Spiritual Teacher. Let's talk all things spiritual, cosmic, evolutionary, financial, relationships and everything human. "For many years I pursued by spiriutality interests with the intent of never returning, then one day I discovered how magnificent it is to be human. Since then I strive to live every moment to its fullest with love, joy and compassion while working to help others discover their magnificence. " - jennifer.

Health Coach Andy


The 40+ Rebuild is a 12-week, high-contact program for men over 40. The program is designed to prime you in the essential building blocks for aging with health, energy, strength and resilience. The stages of the program assist in reducing metabolic syndrome, high blood sugar, cravings and food addiction and in managing body weight. The program's core creates permanent behaviour change and greater confidence in understanding and managing your health. See the complete program details at: Health Coach Andy - Bachelor of Health Science (Nutrition Bioscience)

Carnivore Coach Sylvia


Hi! Welcome to my channel and thank you for stopping by! My name is Sylvia and I live in NYC. I have always been super passionate about health through nutrition and lifestyle….and yet a few years ago I was diagnosed with autoimmunity, Rheumatoid Arthritis. I refused to take a conventional treatment, it stood against everything I believed about human health. I started looking for an alternative to disease management, and I found it: carnivore diet. It took a while to perfect it, but results were amazing: I reversed autoimmunity and much more! I was so blown away I started a blog, this channel, and recently became a Carnivore Coach. If you are looking for common sense strategies that work for health through diet, life style and nutrition, this is a channel for You! Carnivore Coach Sylvia

Rustbelt Basketball Coaches' Network, LLC


The staff at Rustbelt Basketball Coaches' Network, LLC; offer a wide array of services & products for basketball players & coaches. Our services include, consultations, individual lessons, scouting, team lessons/camps, on-the-court clinics, video clinics/presentations eBooks, clinics, clinic videos, consulting, & assisting coaches with upward mobility. RBCN's products include clinic videos/presentations, eBooks, & organizational tools for basketball coaches.

Nancy Telfer ~ Spiritual & Wellness Coach


Nancy Telfer is a Dragon Resonance Healer, Quantum Light Coach and author of The Choice is YOURS. She shares different processes that you can implement in your life immediately! This life is about releasing what no longer serves you so that you can hold more LIGHT. When you are able to hold more LIGHT, you increase your frequency to be able to go to higher dimensions. Looking at life as if it is a video game and within the game is challenges to over come, Nancy assists the listeners to release whatever is causing resistance within the 'game'. Each level of this game of life has it's challenges and the higher you get the easier the challenges are to overcome. YOU have the power within you to transform your life. The processes offered on this channel unlocks the power you have always had. Together (your Soul & the Beings of LIGHT) the KEYCODES are called upon to unlock your true potential. Speaking Soul Language (Light Language) these KEYCODES will do the magic. Many blessings 🐉❤️🎶💫