As a Reiki Master and owner of my own modality Aurora Mistica (r). I enjoy the use of energy in helping put smiles around the world. I have been offering Remote Reiki Distance Healing online since 2001. I also love pretty much anything creative. Through the years I have been programming physical products remotely with Good Vibe Reiki and/ or Aurora Mistica (r). All my videos are imbued with distance healing energy. Some videos include visible as well as Subliminal Affirmations. I also design print on demand products which also are energetically enhanced.

Video Creator & Digital Conversion Specialist


My Company, Redwoods Custom Video, and Photo Creations digitize and modernize Obsolete Analog recordings on film, video, slides, photos, Compact Cassettes, and Reel-to- Reel audio tapes. We transfer your digital files to DVDs Or a USB flash drive. so they will last for generations that follow. Redwoods is a Trustworthy, Professional, and Affordable Veteran-owned small business located in Laguna Vista, Texas. Redwoods is a registered small business in Cameron County, Texas. Message us today so we can convert your collection In my spare time, I also create videos to bring a smile to the faces of those not too tightly wound. My videos can potentially cause some to grind their teeth like Hunter in a 2 hr meeting with no breaks. and a disposable lighter that is out of fuel. Political anxiety is dangerous but is exactly how they want us to live. We the People are in charge, not the so-called elite. Semper Fi



In a world of skepticism and doubt, the Christian may find themselves barraged with challenges to the faith. Join us as we discuss current events in a roundtable, but we each do so from a specific perspective or chair. The Chair of Theology focuses on Biblical principles applied to the topic at hand. The Chair of Philosophy, looks and the Teleological, Epistemological, Ontological, and otherwise Philosophical perspectives. The Chair of Politics brings the perspective that Christians have the unique qualifications and obligation to participate in our government and her laws. The Chair of Culture focuses on the Christian's response to the Culture and the Counter Culture Christianity should create. And the Economic Chair brings to the table the economic value to following God's Law, like every other sphere of life, if you read the instruction manual the Creator of the Universe wrote, you might find that you understand the World better. The Bible has the answers to our economic challenges as well as moral ones. From these Chairs, we discuss the Christian Worldview and hope to provide an answer or apologetic for each situation we discuss. We would be honored if you joined us as we discuss how our culture falls Further Every Day.

Dream Believe Realize Network


The goal of our team is to provide a network of like-minded individuals in the pursuit of their own definition of Success. Some see it as being debt free, flexibility to travel. Some see it as purchasing a home, having an investment portfolio or retirement fund. Some see it as having money for their children’s schooling or time to attend family events. How you define success is based on You, your needs and your dreams. We believe regardless of your age or financial needs that we all want to live life to its fullest, to make a difference, to provide something meaningful for our family, to be part of something that matters and to be our best self. We want to make a difference and help you live the successful life you imagined. Dream – Believe – Realize℠

We've Read The Documents


The official Rumble for the channel We've Read The Documents. Many people claim they have the documents, but we are the few that have read them! Follow me on X: Follow me on I have made a Patreon for We've Read the Documents. You can subscribe for $5 a month if you would like for more / earlier content. New content will be uploaded to all services, no need to subscribe to all of them. I have made a Substack for We've Read the Documents. You can subscribe for $5 a month if you would like access to the rough drafts of my book on The Finders and other blogs. Donations: All subscriptions and donations are much appreciated! The views, opinions, and information, guests, our Rumble channel's live Rumble channel's comment section disclose do not necessarily reflect the views or beliefs of We've Read the Documents. Do your own research! God Bless!